Feel like crying?.........
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Morning ladies,
like feel as though I'm in he'll!!!
for the last 5 days I've had a really bad head, my nose eyes have mostly hurt and really ached? Abit like a sinus headache?
on and off anway this morning I have a full blown migrane!
jesus I feel terrible!!. Feel sick ache all over espicially my neck taken nufen plus not helped took my Sumertription as when was required? And it's still here?
any of u ladies help me out here?
i do suffer with migranes believe me I have not ever had one this bad!!. Had my winge Thankyou for reading!!!!!.
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kelly42532 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 kelly42532
headaches I can put up with BUT migranes are another thing hate it when get these! But what can u do?!!!!
my best friend suffers with Fibomagallia ( don't think I've spelt that right!!!)
and seems to think I may have this to, but it's one thing saying it... It's another trying to find a doctor to refer you to a specialist.
My body certainly aches a lot more, and once I start with the pain/ numbness in my neck that's it that then starts a migrane the list is endless. In the last 2 years I've aged bloody loads, and also entered into peri!
joys of being a women........
kelly42532 Shelly0069
sammeam Shelly0069
I havent had migraines as such, but was getting a very scary head squeeze when stressed pout, like my head was full of gel? Horrid.
I often wake in the night feeling sick, but things are definitely calming down, so dont despair.
It will stop, it will get better, and one day, nit too far ahead, you will feel like Shelley again. Except more so.
Youre not alone. If you can, have a big, enormous cry. It helpos xxx