Feel like crying?.........

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Morning ladies,

like feel as though I'm in he'll!!!

for the last 5 days I've had a really bad head, my nose eyes have mostly hurt and really ached? Abit like a sinus headache?

on and off anway this morning I have a full blown migrane!

jesus I feel terrible!!. Feel sick ache all over espicially my neck taken nufen plus not helped took my Sumertription as when was required? And it's still here?

any of u ladies help me out here?

i do suffer with migranes believe me I have not ever had one this bad!!. Had my winge Thankyou for reading!!!!!.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I hear ya honey was diagnosed with all 4 headaches plus birh defect called chari malformation that just adds to the fun. I havent had the menstural headache thank god for last 2yrs. Only thing i could do with that headache is wait it out. The other three well everyday is fun fun. Been on more meds than any one person should be when i was diagnosed chari malformation i went for help with them. Worse thing i ever did. The place i went was a nightmare. But it sound kinda like a cluster headache its not to common in woman mostly men. I was told at 18 i had clusters. Those could be a headache on either side of your head. Mine is above my right eyebrow i always put my thumb against my head when it happens. Can come and go up to 20 times a day.sorry that its sucky info but i feel ur pain honey ya may want to see a neurologist just to be sure.
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly, thanks for replying.

      headaches I can put up with BUT migranes are another thing hate it when get these! But what can u do?!!!!

      my best friend suffers with Fibomagallia ( don't think I've spelt that right!!!)

      and seems to think I may have this to, but it's one thing saying it... It's another trying to find a doctor to refer you to a specialist.

      My body certainly aches a lot more, and once I start with the pain/ numbness in my neck that's it that then starts a migrane the list is endless. In the last 2 years I've aged bloody loads, and also entered into peri!

      joys of being a women........

    • Posted

      Ok if they suggest u go to diamond headache clinic DO not go u are a lab rat to them in the 2 1/2 yrs i went to them almost 500 different meds i was put on the list of sideeffects are endless. A good neurologist should be able to help. I agree god really has one hell of a sense of humor at times. For the last 2yrs ive only spotted twice and i only knew that after i went to the bathroom. Your body being of kilter i guess we can use that term may very well be triggering headache but it could be something you eat or drink the list is endless and the reason many sadly. Meno is killing me with all the crazy ass mood swings rage crying happy god i really wish it would pick one and run with it.try using an ie pack o. Back of head when u feel headache coming. My migraines gives me notice i get auras or lights and squigglies in my perephrel vison i know grab ice pack take meds and hit bed.
  • Posted

    Hello Shelley

    I havent had migraines as such, but was getting a very scary head squeeze when stressed pout, like my head was full of gel? Horrid.

    I often wake in the night feeling sick, but things are definitely calming down, so dont despair.

    It will stop, it will get better, and one day, nit too far ahead, you will feel like Shelley again. Except more so.

    Youre not alone. If you can, have a big, enormous cry. It helpos xxx

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