Feel like I have been attacked by a Dementor!!

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Post menopausal and can't feel any joy in life. Tried exercising and diet and just feel numb inside. Has anyone any experiences or ideas to help please

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm going through the same thing, I try and try but even walking gets hard because I get dizzy with the anxiety and vertigo. I want to know if it's something wrong or is it part of perimenopause!?

  • Posted

    Hi. Sorry you feel this way. Have you tried any supplements?

    I take Vit D, magnesium, rosehip and passionflower. And a womens multivitamin. They should help lift your mood after a couple of weeks. 

    Try and do something you used to enjoy? Walking, reading, gardening, sketching, baking. Make sure you have at least half an hour to yourself each day to do something just for you.

    Hope you feel better soon. keep in touch 

  • Posted

    Bach's Flower remedies!   They have been amazing in my journey through all this!   Look into these ones:

    Larch-brings confidance

    Wild Rose-brings joy and enthusiam

    Wild oat-brings purpose and direction

    Mustard-brings clarity and brightness, overcomes feeling of doom and gloom and sadness.

    Try them, two to three drops of each every morning and you will become a whole new you!  I promise.


    • Posted

       I use the Bach's rescue remedy chewing gum when I'm feeling nervous or apprehensive about something. That was after you recommended Bach's in a previous post, so a big thank you for that!

      I must look into the other flower remedies now.

    • Posted

      You're welcome!  They have been a HUGE help for me.  I was absolutely loosing my mind and having suicidal thoughts before my girlfriend got me onto this, and it has been a huge gift from God i tell you.  I have not needed anything else, just Bachs and I am back to myself.

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