Feel like i Have something stuck under left breast nauseous and bloated scared there's something myheart
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hello can any of you ladies let me know if this is happening to you my period Started last week and after that I started getting bloated and this really weird sensation near my heart like under my left breast like a I wanted a pass a big gas but I couldn't i am done wit my period about 4 days now and I still have the weird sensation under my breast the bloating has gone down a little but it's scaring me to death I feel like if I'm going to have a heart attack can anybody related to this any feedback would be much appreciated this is scaring you very much I have an appointment today with my doctor just praying for the best everyday is something different but this one really got to me thank you in advance blessings!!
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sharcerv52408 marisol06794
Hi Marisol,
This is so common. It happens to me more times than I can say. It usually happens when I'm ovulating. Sometimes I get bloated, gassy and no appetite. It does feel like a big gas bubble near your heart. And no matter how much I know that this hormonal and that it is bloating, I still panic and think that it's my heart. But you are not alone.
Gypsy014 marisol06794
Hi marisol, yes I have that same sensation like a gas bubble near my heart mine isnt below my left breast but its above like bubbles going thru a straw its very alarming im having it now its awful.. Also been having burning when I pee, never before had this, and since last night a quick real sharp pain left side where spleen or pancreas would be so now freaking out about that, I think mabe infection just don't know whats what
sharcerv52408 Gypsy014
Yes I'm having this now. My period started yesterday. I haven't had one since January. Right before it came on I had terrible reflux. Then this morning, I had this feeling under my breast right above my stomach that felt like what you said, bubbles going through a straw. There's no pain, it's just uncomfortable. When I let go of some wind either by burping or the other way, it relieves it somewhat but the sensation has been here all day. This is day two for me. I hope this is not a new symptom now, as if I need any more!
Gypsy014 marisol06794
also forgot to mention lots of gas and bloating with this
gilly_64426 marisol06794
when i started peri 3 years ago i had the same feeling always my left side and yes it feels like a bubble under your breast. then my left breast felt and looked larger than my right one. i went to ER 3 times thinking it was my year but i had all my test done and im good.
shortly after my left shoulder started to hurt to the point that i could not out over my head or sleep, it was 1 year of pain.
some tips to help, stay away from coffee, stay away from spicy foods. and drink water.
if it get worst go see your doctor.
jaynie08827 marisol06794
when I am eating I feel sometimes I can't swallow sometimes I've actually choked. I have to chew real small then try to swallow a couple times and drink a lot while I'm eating. it's crazy. no matter how much I eat my tummy feels like its gonna burst. so I guess that's a part of it. as far as anything else I justhave too many symptoms to count hang in there
Chickadeesgrl marisol06794
You are not alone. I am 12 months without a period & have too many symptoms to count. I have acid reflux with intense pain in between my breasts. Had chest xray & there was nothing. Food gets caught when i eat. My mother-in-law told me all her friends went through the same thing. she suggested elevating the bed a few inches so when I sleep the food digests without acid reflux.