Feel like I’m loosing my mind
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Today has been the worst day for me with regard to brain fog / remembering anything & its scaring me.
I closed over the patio door in the lounge as it was a little chillie only a few minutes later to walk straight into the glass door smacking my head quite badly. I burst out crying, this is not like me, but apparentely it is now!
On making tonights dinner I completely forgot to put the chorizo in the Chicken & Chorizo jumbalaya, I've never done that before. Then to top it off, I put the microwave oven on for 3 minutes with absolutely nothing in it, forgetting that I had left the broccoli on the side. I did laugh, but in truth this is scaring me. I told my daughter & the first thing she said was that I was loosing my marbles. Am I??
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sharon03238 rachel83125
No love your not, i have days like that, i was talking to someone on tuesday and half way through the conversation id completely forgotten what i was saying lol.... she looked at me as if i was crazy 😃 haha.... you need to laugh about it i do cos if i didnt id cry x
kelly55079 rachel83125
It ok, really you are not losing your mind!! I have started the microwave with nothing in it. When cooking I really have to think and focus about what I'm doing otherwise I forget something. I used to be able to multi-task when cooking but nowadays I can't-- I'll ask hubby to watch TV.Everyday it seems like I'm walking into a room forgetting why I went there. UGH
hopeforever rachel83125
Your not alone. Last month i went to buy a pair of shoes. The salesperson asked me my size and i just blanked out. It seemed like an eternity before i answered him. It was awkward and embarrassing. The way he looked at me and others in the store shot up my anxiety. I have so much episodes of forgetfulness i lost count. I am finding by adding flax seeds and chia seeds to my daily smoothies are helping me plus my omega oils. I would be better if insomnia never plagued me as much. But what can i do. Your not alone trust me.
pam90720 rachel83125
same here, friend!!!! hang in there!! we are all in this together!!!! i feel like my mind goes 90 miles an hour!! (((hugs)))❤❤
christina81747 pam90720
omg i am same way i feel like im losing my mind and its scary i am so hyper and my mind is a mile a minute and its focused on whats wring with me and worrying that this anxiety wint go away sometimes i feel frozen like if i move i will fall apart or burst out crying i dont know if its stress or what !
pam90720 christina81747
thats me to Christine!!!i am on my mind all the time!!! i told my family I feel like im self absorbed, but not in a good way!! as in constantly checking in with myself on"how do I feel" its sooo tiring!!!! 😦
hugs, friend!!
AJacynM rachel83125
I did lots of things like this... I once found the toothbrushes in the dishwasher.. 😮
I went on hrt and it got better but had terrible issues with hrt suiting me so came off it last month only for my brain fog to come back with a vengeance so now about to try a new regime again... hey-ho! Who knows if this will suit my fussy body... I very much doubt it!
Don't lose hope, stay upbeat if you can... one day we'll be through it.
ps hope your head is ok now! x
CarolKelso rachel83125
Hi rachel
I am the same so you are not alone. im the same with the microwave. i forget where i have parked my car...words come out back to front and memory...shocking so you are not alone at all in the brain fog..
hang tight. CK
AJacynM rachel83125
The other day I walked home from an appointment nearby and then got home and freaked out when i saw the car had gone... then realised i'd driven to my appointment... so then i walked back again to pick up the car. 😮
kelly55079 AJacynM
Not making fun BUT that is funny.. I sometimes forget where I park walking all over the store lot-- I feel like DUH but whatever.. it is what it is and laugh it off.
Guest rachel83125
I had to laugh reading your post BUT Same thing is happening to me I put stuff in the oven and forget to put the timer on I' ve had to throw a lot of stuff away or I’ll do some thing and forgot I did it and wonder how that get there... the long list goes on it is scary!!! I'm glad you shared this!
bev27429 rachel83125
This is totally normal! My boyfriend doesn't get that it is hormones, but it definitely is! I will be talking to him, and then right in the middle of my sentence, my brain totally blanks out, and I can't remember anything. Even if he prompts me, it doesn't work.
Also, I can't remember where I have put things, so then I start looking around: I check the microwave, the oven, the cupboards. It doesn't matter what the missing item is, it could be anywhere! I keep feeling like I have Alzheimer's, but I know that I don't. Soooo weird! Hang in there:)
sunaina1983 rachel83125
Ur not alone dear
its happen to me many times.
yesterday i book cab and he ask for address and i forget my address hahaha
i gave him wrong address.
then i call him and correct my address.
some times i forget spellings too 😭😭
AJacynM rachel83125
Do you know! We could actually cheer each other up with our bizarre meno brain fog stories!!
The other thing i do is - when calling a family member by their name, I seem to have to go through the whole of other family members names before i get it right!! Anyone else do this??
They all think it's hilarious but i cringe!!! Haha!!!
kelly55079 AJacynM
Yes I do this and the other day I went thru all of them and still couldn't get it right. The kids just pass it off as me being tired which is true.My parents who are 80 do this at times-- I just roll with it.