Feel like I swallowed a squirrel lol!
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Hello ladies, Has anyone ever felt like they swallowed a squirrel? Lol! For the past few days I have a feeling in my throat that I haven't swallowed my food completely. Any thoughts?
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michelle92591 becky53379
Hey Becky, not a squirrel but a lump feeling. My mom had this too. All had to do with anxiety for us. Once I stopped obsessing about it, it went away. It's funny how stress and anxiety can form other problems. Don't worry too much about it.
Madracquel becky53379
debra16694 becky53379
Hi Becky - I had this for a bit even when I drank fluids, it felt like I wasn’t really swallowing & it just like stayed there in my throat - At the same time, I was experiencing a lot of bloat & the top of my stomach seemed to just sit there under my rib cage like Humpty Dumpty (if that makes sense). Those symptoms weren’t long lasting (thank god!) but did happen during the height of my anxiety episodes. So not sure what came first - it’s crazy, I know -
Guest becky53379
🤣No squirrels, but I almost always choke to death taking my vitamins...gel caps. I have acid reflux and swear my throat is smaller 😂
lori93950 becky53379
Psyched_Out_Kim becky53379
Hi Becky,
What you're feeling is a symptom of anxiety, and it's called globus sensation. It's tight muscles in your neck and throat area. I can't link you to anything here, so do a Google search for "globus sensation cure", then click on videos. The one that worked for me was the 7th one down. That should help get the squirrel out. 😉
I hope you feel better soon.
sabrina1971 Psyched_Out_Kim
Psyched_Out_Kim sabrina1971
Perhaps it's different because I use a phone, but the one that helped started with linden. If I put the whole name, it will get moderated.
I hope this helps.
sabrina1971 Psyched_Out_Kim
Psyched_Out_Kim sabrina1971
You're welcome 😊
Guest becky53379
Thank you for a well needed laugh!
Two years ago I had that constant lump in my throat, if that's what you are referring to. It came after my anxiety was full throttle, so I believe that is globus. I had a sore throat for about a month and I was so worked up about it being some sort of cancer, and then the lump started. It wasn't fun. Best I can say is try not to worry about it and it will just take some time to calm down. I even had a scope down my nose in to my throat to make sure it was OK.
andrea05399 becky53379
Madracquel andrea05399
So scary! Did you know you had hashimotos before you went to the ENT?
andrea05399 Madracquel