Feel like period is going to start but, NO!

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Hi ladies i am posting again still no period since 17th October which is making me anxious as last sex using a condom was 30th October. But, i feel like i am going to start a period but, nothing, except i feel more moist at times. I am experiencing slight increase in vaginal secretions which, is clear no odour. I feel this and go to the toilet thinking yes my period has come but, no nothing. I have taken 2 pregnancy tests now and both negative but, as i am experiencing slight nausea so am pertrified i may be pregnant. I am 47 (nearly 48) been in peri a couple of years. Some advice please? anyone else have similar? xx

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi amanda, this has happened to me...2 periods ago, I had a 57 day gap. everyday it felt like it was coming. I took a home pregnancy test too...which I knew would be negative as my hubbie has a vasectomy.If you took a test and used a condom...chances are you are not pregnant! you can ovulate and not produce a period.

    • Posted

      Hi Lou i went to see a gp friday afternoon last week, he was very kind and offered me advice but assured me i would not be pregnant (i had taken 2 tests by this time both negative). He said i should have a blood test for LH, FSH and thyroid and also a urine test to be tested for pregnancy hormone but only for my piece of mind. He added i am in peri which i know i am but, he added i may be near the end or even in meno . I had these all taken on monday morning so will not now anything for a week. I still feel so nauseous at times sometimes morning sometimes evening and do feel a little less anxious but as still no period still worried. I asked him if i could have a HCG (think thats the one for pregnancy hormones) blood test he refused stating urine tests are so accurate these days he felt it was not needed. I have never had a hot flush but have occassional night sweaty episodes where i wake up and have sweat running down my back. I still keep feeling dizzy. I did not know i could ovulate and not have a period , i will look this up xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Amanda, Your FSH may show post meno, even though you have not yet gone a full year without a period. Mine has come back between 20 and 40...then another month it will be 10.

      We are all so individual in our suffering. I do not get many flashes/flushes either. Some days my whole face gets really hot, like I am embarrassed. Night sweats I get once in a while...not bothersome. I get migraines, dizzies, off balance, nausea, sick stomach, joint pains...it is lingering! Keep charting your cycles, even if you only spot...one of them will be your last! But...beware it ain't over til it's over...you may still be able to get pregnant! My mom thought she was done 41 years ago...yet, here I am! Take good care!

  • Posted

    HI Amanda ! same thing happened to me when i started going through peri... i missed a period for three months ... the 3rd month i felt just like i was on my period but no blood... (december of 2016 was my last period.. that following march still no period .. but like i said it felt just like i was having a period .. but no blood) scared the hell out of me.. did not l ow it was the beginning of peri - hell )

    hang in there!! hugs and i hooe you start feeling better!!!!

  • Posted

    I do have months it feels like period is about to come but nothing there. Or feeling moist without the blood. Don't worry. But get it checked or check it yourself to make sure. All the best

  • Posted

    Yes, i am having same symptoms at this very moment, including incredibly sore boobs. Running to toilet to check every time i feel a leak, but its clear.

    Annoying and scary.

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for your replies, i am in tears as worried sick still, but will ring the gp tomorrow xxxxxxxxx

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