Feel like the walls are closing in on me...
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It's so nice to find this forum & to read that I'm not the only person going through this nightmare. It's been a rough couple of years for me, I got diagnosed with diverticular disease about eight months ago after suffering years of upset tummys etc. which has been very stressful to say the least & to add to that the doctor confirmed last year that I'm in the Perimenopause & I think that I have been for a few years now. But I've been really struggling over the past few months, all the usual symptoms, BAD mood swings, flushes, really heavy periods, migraines, feeling so sick & continual upset stomach, I feel a complete mess!! & to top it all I'm in a fairly new relationship, so I'm also feeling so guilty about always being ill & never being able to do anything, which is adding to the stress, although he is being very patient & very understanding... I finally managed to persuade the doctor to give the the birth control pill to see if that will help balance some of these raging hormones out & then hopefully I will start to see an improvement soon? I just wondered if anyone else had tried the combined pill & if it had helped & also how long it takes to start working. I started taking it on Monday & since then I've felt even more nauseas & had a really upset stomach yesterday, I'm guessing this could be some of the side effects? Sorry to sound all doom and gloom but I feel so stressed
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beth86610 sheree45815
How late can you take the pill? I thought they wanted you off of it when you enter your 40's. I think one of the reasons I don't have symptoms is because I take vitamins which are to help with hormonal balance. But I also had a friend in her 40's who was having bad hot flashes. She found a vitamin for hormonal balance and she said it helped tremendously.
sheree45815 beth86610
beth86610 sheree45815
I think you also have to do your research and press the doctor because I realize now I really got the shaft in th dr's office with a nurse practitioner. She ripped me up one side and down the other that menopause is a natural normal thing get over it!!! And I had only asked about missing a few periods in an appt. for a bladder infection. I needed to clear up a bladder infection before I traveled abroad. I had an appt. what was wrong about asking??? I should have reported her!
Sochima822 sheree45815
sheree45815 Sochima822