Feel so unwell

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?I started going through the menopause around 6 months ago .I'm on HRT and it does help with hot flushes .A month ago my dad passed away suddenly and I feel so unwell all the time .I'm tired ,cry at everything, cant sleep ,depressed and the hot flushes are worse again .I'm on Citalopram 30mg and have been for years .I feel old ,fat and cant be bothered .I just want to hide under the duvet .I'm 52 .

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry Carol for your dad! Hrt helps but takes time. It’s normal to feel depressed after your loss and our hormones make that worse. I don’t know what else I can say to you...don’t be alone and try to speak with someone you trust! 
  • Posted

    sorry I understand, as I'm similar, but you need to try to have a future focus that you enjoy and talk to people about this, it sounds like those hormones not helping and you are in grief too.  try a counsellor or cruse bereavement they are great.  keep us posted and thinking of you .xxx


  • Posted

    Hi Carol, I feel for you especially losing your dad x What HRT are you taking ? Maybe you just need your HRT looked at .. I know emotional upsets can make your symptoms worse .. It could be you need a higher dose .. this is what I had to do going back a couple of years back. I felt back to my self after a few weeks .. hope this helps x
  • Posted

    Oh geez Carol,  I am so sorry to hear about your dad.  My mom's name is Carol and she last her father as she was going through this horrible phase of life.  I believe that everything that you described would be a normal reaction to such a profound loss, but add peri-menopause to it and wow, just wow.

    I know that when my mom went through this, they put her on an anti-anxiety drug for a while.  I can't remember if it was Xanax or Valium.  I am not one to condone medication for every little thing, but what you are going through is an awful lot, I hope you are not trying to deal with it on your own?

  • Posted

    Hi Carol, I'm so sorry about the loss of your dad. That must be hard for you on top of all your symptoms. You're not alone. Many of us are going through the same thing. I started with anxiety and panic attacks shortly after I turned 52. That made me so afraid of everything. I went through many doctor tests to try to figure things out. Nothing ever shows up. I felt I was crazy. Then I found this site and it has been such a relief, at least to know I'm not crazy. I get night sweats, and chest aches. I get my period about every two weeks now and that leaves me anemic and very tired. Hang in there Carol and reach out when you can. 

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone. I have been to the doctor today and he has increased the HRT .He also said I could have a sicknote but I'm trying to keep occupied .I don't know what I want really I just cant be bothered with anything .

  • Posted

    Hi carol, I had the same as you increased from 1mg / 2mg it worked really well. I had to come off my HRT as was having a anaesthetic . Been on them going in 5th week now , I have had a horrible few weeks , just waiting to feel myself again! Hopefully you will begin to feel the effects soon as nothing worse than feeling as we do, It was after I lost my mum I had to have my dose increased . Let me know how you go Xx
  • Posted

    To update I started taking 2mg HRT  and increased Citalopram from 30mg to 40mg .I spent the whole day spaced out so reduced it back to one as was unable to think straight. Now its Easter and off work so I'm trying it differently. I took 2mg before bed last night instead of in the morning. I took my citalopram 40mg this morning and feel spaced out again .Has anyone else experienced this? .I feel awful and want to scream and cry .

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    • Posted

      Yes I did that and it made me feel spaced out at work .I have been on HRT 1mg for 5 months 
    • Posted

      Maybe you need 2 mg is it both oestrogen & progesterone you take ? When I went up to 2mg it helped me feel normal again with maybe 20mg CITALOPRAM x

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