Feel trapped in Peri jail

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Hello my fellow peri sisters, I need help, advice, re assurance. I have been experiencing many many peri symptoms for last 7 months, some symptoms come and go , but some just never take a break. Anxiety, ear ringing, and now headache and insomnia seem to be an every day thing. I believe all hormones imbalance started my anxiety which started ear problems and headaches. I don't get my periods regularly, I tried birth control for few months, didn't help much so I stopped. Is anyone else experiencing ear problems, I feel my anxiety is getting worse because of it. I am debating if I should try anti anxiety medicine or any natural, herbal products for anxiety, hormones? ??? Please help.

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi , I als suffer with ringing in ears , headache , etc etc , anxiety was through the roof and could not cope anymore , i am now on citolpram 10mg , took about a week to kick in but has helped me sooo much feel a lot calmer to deal with all the awful symptoms us ladies have to go through , i wish you good luck in whatever you try , i also take menpace which also helps xx

  • Posted

    Hi ampat1...I've been having almost all of the symptoms. No period since October of last year, so hopefully now in menopause. Anti anxiety medication was the ONLY thing that has helped me. When my doc took me off of them is when I felt all of my peri symptoms. It was pure hell. Now doctors won't perscribe benzos since SO many people abused them. Buspar has helped a lot. My ears pop all day long. Like there's constant pressure. If you're able to get them I would recommend taking them. This is no way to live. I'd rather be numb than feel like crap.

  • Posted

    Dear Ampat

    Anxiety is the worst symptom of all! I am sure anxiety creates loads of other symptoms - or at least worsen them.

    I suffer from health anxiety and getting into peri has sent it through the roof. I wake up with a racing heart and fear about what the day brings. It has resulted in daily digestive problems for me - diarrhea, stomach ache, rumbling etc. It is horrible and keep my anxiety and symptoms in a vicious cycle...

    I'm not fan of antidepressants - I try with kognitive therapy first. Just waiting for the therapist to give me an appointment.

    I have no ringing in my ears, but I have read about many other peri-women who has it.

    I hope you find relieve!

    • Troldepus
  • Posted


    I have had a clogged feeling ear since last January, I hear clicking in it when I go to bed and the last 3 months it seems to be a headache in the area behind my ear plus now getting head pressure on the top of my head. The ear thong has been brought up before, for some reason it is a Peri thing, it's driving me crazy. I find Sinus decongestants do help relieve some of it, but I don't want to take them all the time, so I use them off and on.

    I've had the anxiety now 7 years and the insomnia comes off and on. I'll be 47 in a few weeks, still have my period like clock work. oh I an moody, sometimes I feel depressed and want to cry or it flips and I'm just cranky and feel mean and negative...I do have good days though and deal with it way better than I did at first. I've tried anti depressants but they were not for me, but I haven't tried BCP or HRT.

    I'm sure some of the great woman on here will answer. But you can breath a bit better, the ear thing is normal ☺

  • Posted


    I am waiting to hear if i have perimenopause. I started with acid reflux, have ringing in my ears, night sweats and a burning pain in my lower back which spreads around.

    I have had loads of tests and bloods taken to rule anything else out.

    I have suffered anxiety and its like something has taken over my body.

    anyone else had similar??


    • Posted


      you are the first one that refers the burning sensation in lower back!

      I have that too! It is scary, horrible, I cannot stand it!

      The burning spreads down my legs especially the backside of my thighs.

      Oh my God, it is terribly painful.

      Are you experiencing any digestive symptoms?

      I believe that the burning is either from gasses trapped and very slow digestion or intestenial cystitis. The root cause is our low estrogen, though

      Are you still having regular cycles?

    • Posted

      yes i still have periods which are heavy.

      when i try to explain the pain to DR's they don't get it.

      i have pain in my lower back and neck and shoulders, my hands and even down to my feet.

      it can be unbearable at times, i have had a ct scan on my chest, x rays and cameras and loads of bloods which shows im anemic.

      yes i have had gastric issues too, all seemed to happen after that

    • Posted

      Exactly when I describe this to the doctors they cannot understand what I feel.

      Indeed, it is unbearable such as every low estrogen symptom physical and emotional.

      Have you noticed that the burning sensation in lower back coincide with IBS and gastric issues?

      I saw your replies and I also have a cyst of endometriosis that I am going to surgically remove it soon.

      Nevertheless, I believe that my symptoms are hormonal and independent of that cyst.

  • Posted

    hi there , yes , i have the same symptoms as you do and also addtional ones i think too. the ear ringing started for me at the age of 47 and im 49 now almost 50.

    i thought mine was related to work noise at first till all the other symptoms showed up with it like : anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, periods very heavy or missing one of them.

    fibroids and cysts started happening , high blood pressure, overly emotional , and so on and so on . my life was normal till peri, and since then i have been at the doctors or gynocoligest on a regular basis . they have told me my hormones are all out of wack and it showed when they did a biospy to check my cervix out because it thickened because of the heavy bleeding and clots that are the size of a truck " no not that big of clots " im kidding ! but they sure were huge and embarrassing . i had to wear 2 pads and a tampon and was still soaking through it all . so ya , i hear ya ! i know its hard but , we all can relate to them symtoms im sure and honestly " thank god for the forums and other ladies experiences strengh and hope because otherwise " i probably would of lost my mind.

    hugs to ya , hang in there and remember we will make it through this " its only a phase.

  • Posted


    Thanks for replying, i am really worried i have a serious health issue and its making me anxsious. Are you getting a lot of joint pain in lower back which goes up the spleen and even legs and hands?

    its like a weird burning sensation too...

    I have had xrays and bloods which came back normal.

    Doesnt stop me worrying though

    • Posted

      HI Kerry,

      Yes, I get that weird joint pain in my back.

      I had an L5 herniated disc about 10 years ago. I am 47 and have been in peri for 5 years. I have had about every symptom on the list of 66, but have also noticed any old injuries or chronic issues (I have GERD and gastritis) are horribly exacerbated in peri. My progesterone and estrogen checked out as extremely low. I was given BHRT but afraid to take for fear I'll feel worse. The joint pain is bizarre. It comes and goes with no rhyme or reason. To try to help I am avoiding dairy and gluten, drink lots of water, walk when I can and try to rest even when I cannot sleep. I also take adrenal supplements, 10,000 iu of vitamin D, and 750 mg of magnesium daily.

      I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope you find some relief. Please know you are definitely not alone! Big hugs--Sarah

    • Posted

      its horrendous, i keep thinking surely this isnt hormonal? it seems very severe, i have had xrays and a ct scan and bloods taken.

      what pain relief do you use?

      thanks for replying

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry,

      Seriously, I sometimes think prescription pain killers would be the only thing that would offer relief, but I know this is a dangerous and unfeasible approach. This is what I'm doing to try to relive my pain: Natural wellness doctor recommended doing yoga and other low impact exercises like swimming. That is supposed to help with alleviating some of my pain. I take an over the counter acid reducer for my stomach issues, occasionally I'll take a Tylenol and Motrin (but not often because Motrin is tough on my stomach). I use topicals like magnesium spray on my muscles and bio-freeze, as well as warm compresses. When I have the time and energy to get there I see a massage therapist for a Swedish massage (I do find massage therapy to help a great deal). I wish there was a magic pill to make all of this just go away. I hate missing out on so much because of feeling poorly.

      I'm sorry I can't offer more suggestions on pain relief. I'm wishing you the very best of health. Please keep me posted on how you're doing. xxoo

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah, I have to agree with you on the pain medication, for some reason, when I'm prescibe pain meds which isn't often enough they work so well and I have no symtoms at all. They don't make me high or loopy, I just know they calm my body down and my anxiety goes away. I can sleep and no suffering of hot flashes and night sweats. My mood is calmer, and I work better. I think if the medication is managed then we should be allowed to take them menopause. I've heard other women say this as well. Today is a day from hell. My anxiety is through the roof, I can't eat, major hot flashes and once again I missed a day of work this week. A pain med would be great now!!!!! But no, I'll suffer once again through this horrible nightmare.

    • Posted


      I have just got back from seeing a consultant who talked through the results of a scan, he suspects endomitriosis and will book me in for day surgery.

      But i really dont think that has been the cause of pain in my bones, and other symptoms.

      I will go back and ask doe tests for my hormones to be checked.

    • Posted

      I believe that the pain in bones and other symptoms are definitely hormonal.

      Ask for hormone blood test. I need 3 tests at different times to reveal that my hormones are not balanced.

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