Feel worse than horrible
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hello ladies just wanted to post my list of issues ive been feeling like crap for over 4 months now. ive suffered with so much im never away from the doctors. my list.
over active thyroid
burning mouth
burning skin/ no sweats
painful arms like a dull pain / burning sensation. so bad i actually went to AnE
lip tingling
head/ face tingling
elbow joint pain
strange butterfly feeling in tummy or sometimes feeling of water droplets running down my tummy & my private area. & back.
hip tingling
anxiety to the point i cant leave my house
depression / dont want to talk to anyone.
2 periods per month. really heavy & clotty
dental problems.
feeling of not been able to take a deep breath/ like something is lodged.
ive had all my blood work done. i was low on vit D which i take now.
is this really what we women have to go through i feel like i am on deaths door every day.
i used to work my butt off i had 2 business's . ive only 1 now which someone else is managing for me. i lost my mum 2019 and my brother 2019. now this is happening to me i just can not take much more. i wont be able to have HRT has ive found a lump in my breast which im booked in for mamo next week.
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juanita93228 jo0808
I cannot imagine what you are going thru. I seem to be mostly on the other side of the bad stuff. I'm 60 and had my last period in 2010. I had no symptoms until 2014 with the worst being 2017 thru mid 2019.
I'm so sorry for for your loss. Everyone's journey is different. Mine was a great faith in God, a good doctor, and antidepressants, but mostly my faith in God. Hang in there, it will get better.
jo0808 juanita93228
thank you so much for your kind words & replying Juanita93 . ive had an eye test and they said there is pressure behind my eye that will be my thyroid told her to send on to my doctor. didnt want to stick around to discuss it. every time i go anywhere im been refurred back to my doctors. if i ever get on the up again i am gonna live to the fullest. this site is the most reasuring place to be at the moment. x
kylie01267 jo0808
I am experiencing most of these symptoms. It is a very anxious time. You aren't alone.
jo0808 kylie01267
I know love its good to know but wouldn't wish this on anyone x
bev27429 jo0808
Your symptoms are, unfortunately, very typical of perimenopause. When you add life stress on top of perimenopause, it magnifies all of the symptoms. The one thing to keep in mind, even though the struggle may seem virtually impossible right now, is that it will end. It takes time, but you will get there. I promise!
Sending big hugs and understanding!
jo0808 bev27429
thanks Bev its good to hear im not alone in this nightmare x best of luck hun
Sgt.lindalee jo0808
Hi Jo, A lot of your symptoms can be from the combination of low Vitamin D and over active thyroid, undiagnosed breast lump ....add to that anxiety, stress, loss of a job, loss of 2 loved ones, loss of routine & enjoyment of life...causing depression...plus Menopause? Sweetheart, you have had more than any person should have to deal with!!! I am so sorry for your losses...all of them!! Grief takes time and having medical issues may mean THAT gets pushed aside(something to be aware of down the line)...I think if they get your thyroid under control it will help, and if your lump is benign maybe you can try a topical or bio-identicals HRT, or at least treat your symptoms, you need to pamper yourself, relaxation/breathing exercises, walking, find a hobby, talk & keep or start a support system so you don't feel so alone...lots of lovely people on here, we may not be able to CURE you but, we are always here to listen...Your Dr needs to know the huge amount of stress you're under & see what they suggest and be sure to address ALL your medical issues as well....every little thing you can conquer should be celebrated and it may take time!! Praying for peace, comfort & healing for you....BEST WISHES💒♾💞☮🐾🌈🎶🍀
jo0808 Sgt.lindalee
thank you so much. just been on this site helps a lot. its a great forum so pleased i came by it. yeah its hard ive got a good friend staying with me when she can so that helps too. nearly in tears after reading your lovely comment. its 5.20 am here right now in England i cant sleep so your words mean everything xx
Sgt.lindalee jo0808
Hi Jo, Happy to help anytime, its always sad that I can only offer words but, I guess every little bit helps...Take Care & keep up your supports anywhere you can!! Maybe if your Dr could at least help with sleep, you might find some relief, its hard to function w/o sleep, it can cause numerous other problems...hopefully you're snoozing soon!!💤🐑🐑🐑
michelle29462 jo0808
I have horrible time taking a deep breath feels like i am suffocating in my own body.I as have burning skin it feels like i have put icy hot all over my face and arms also i feel the water sensation drips on my face.Sorry for your losses i lost my five year old son in 2003.Its hard,but i wish i knew if this was perimenopause because it feels like something much sinnister.The not knowing makes it worse
jo0808 michelle29462
Michelle so sorry its horrible to lose a child. i lost my first son by 40 week still birth. i know how you feel totally. im thinking about going to the AnE soon i feel that bad. very little sleep last night. all i can hope for is that we all get better days xx
Takingtime jo0808
Hi Jo, Yes and I can add to that list, intense ovulation pain, digestive issues, muscle pain.....on and on it goes. Last year I refused to go to the doctors as the two years before that I was there almost a monthly visitor for a new symptom or a test. I have now returned as I am just getting frustrated as some of my symptoms have intensified . I have found things to give me temporary relief, and have found some of the cause, but no matter what I do or how much I spend I seem to be back where I started. I have always been someone that was a nervous person, and a chronic worrier, and I am wondering now that I am in my forties if it hasn't caught up to me. I have been a stay at home mom for 15 years and now that my kids are in their teens I decided to venture out and go back to school, I did that and passed with flying colors and then I started my business and that is when things seemed to go back down hill for me. I found the stress of working with clients and having that social interaction was becoming too much, you have to understand being at home and away from people does have an impact. I have now taken a break and trying to get myself back to feeling the normal you feel at this time....but it is not an easy task. When I go to the doctor I don't even know where to begin......I still have the same pains, some have worsened, and now new symptoms, I often think do they look at us like we are hypochondriacs and a matter of time they offer up the anxiety pills...
Ditto i hear you hun. i dont even know who the hell i am anymore. thanks for replying x