Feeling a bit better. Could be HRT patches.

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Hi ladies

Just sharing something which may be of interest to some.

I started the HRT patches about 6 weeks ago and I think they are starting to help.

My panic and anxiety has eased a lot the last few weeks.

I havent had a night sweat for 3 weeks now.

The horrid bitter taste in my mouth has eased a bit the last few days. This was horrid.

My burning mouth and tongue has felt a bit better the last 3 days. Still got it a bit but not as much.

Not as many palpitations.

Got out for a walk with my husband on Tuesday on the coastal path (no panic)

Went out in to town and got things for the house.

A few weeks ago I would never thought this.

There are things still there a bit but not as bad.

People do say they take a few weeks perhaps that's what is happening with me.

If there are any ladies who are thinking about going on it I recommend it. I wasn't planning on going on HRT but I want to enjoy the next few years with my family. In 5 years or so my kids would have left home so I'm making the most of it before they do.

2 likes, 18 replies

18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle I am so pleased you seem to be feeling slightly better. I am back at the doctors tonight to get my blood results and to hopefully get HRT but i suspect she is going to try offer me Anti depressants instead. Which HRT are you on? x


    • Posted

      It's Evorel 50 patches and utrogestan tablets. I take the tablets for 14 days of the month x
    • Posted

      Thanks Michelle. I dont suppose i could ask you age? Just worried my doctor will say i am too young for HRT. Im 42 x
    • Posted

      I'm 46. I've been going through peri since 42. The doctor will give it to you if you explain in depth your feelings. If you haven't got high blood pressure or breast cancer in your family they can't really say no. It's your body are the end of the day 😀
  • Posted

    I am so happy for you Michelle,

    Like I said on a past reply, I was never one to take Medication , but I was willing to try anything that would help to bring me back to some sense of normalcy . Especially with having my children at home. Like u I have 5 more years and if this helps me get through, I will do what it takes to make my children's last few years at home(before college) happier! If Mamas happy everyone is happy. I cannot tell you how this HRT has helped me.

    I didn't want to go out of the house, take a bath, let alone get out of bed. Very jumpy, absolutely miserable. I was a person who at one time would not leave the house without makeup and hair done. Bathed sometimes twice a day. First one at the party last one to leave! Loved life. Going through this temporary part of my life, I truly lost myself. But HRT, has really put me back on track. Slowly, I am now coming back. I know this is not for all, but really look into something to help you along.

    I am on Premarin 0.9

    Hugs, Maggie

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for sharing your experience, I've just started Hrt and was impatient for improvement but your comments give me hope that things can still improve. I'm only three weeks in and not seen much improvement yet but everyone says I need to give it a bit longer and your post seems to confirm that. I'm glad that you're feeling better, it must be great. Love Vix

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle ,just read your post on HRT ,my sore ,dry mouth/ tongue has more or less stopped in past 3 days ,I've been on low dose of progesterone ( Indivina 1 mg ) 2 weeks ago . Im hoping now my anxiety ( 10yrs) will now begin to cease . I was never an advocate of HRT ,but my Dr ( female) said to try it tablet form . Id tried Ovestine cream in the past ,but it was uncomfortable so I stopped that after few weeks . No benifit . This tablet ,no side affects at all . I've got Pudental neuralgia and V going as well.,Dr said this HRT will hopefully help the V ease off . Early days but had to get help with all of this meno problems  even to the IBS that I've got ,which I know to be hormone related . My Dr I trust with my health ,have done since my first visit with her ,Gut feeling you feel with some people ,she's good at listening always before diagnosing . So go find that good female Dr ,they are out there  who understand what your describing symptom wise . Hope you continue to go towards the end of your meno tunnel . Nice to go shopping hey ,I miss that a lot . 
    • Posted

      Oh God yes. Was lovely just to go shopping even if it was for things not that interesting x
  • Posted

    That's so great! I've been following your posts. Good news.
    • Posted

      Thankyou. Still sleepless nights but I can put up with that at the moment. I don't say everything has GONE but things are nowhere near as bad x
  • Posted

    this is great news michelle.  Let us know how it goes as the weeks go on.  Tried out the patch for a couple of days, (started the oestrogen only ones) but felt really out of it and down so took it off and haven't tried since.  But I suppose your body has to get used to having it, so may give it another go.  But will watch how you are getting on as I know its taken a while for you.  You must be feeling relieved now... confused

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