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Hello All.  I am 50 yrs old (young) and am having a bad time with peri-menopause.  We moved from South Africa to the UK last year and being new to the country have not made any real friends yet.  My whole family is back home.  I am finding it very difficult getting medication from my GP and realise that the UK is much stricter than SA.  About twice a year a get a very, very heavy period for about 3 weeks, with clotting.  Back in SA I was prescribed Tranexamic and it worked.  Last week my GP gave me my first prescription in the UK for 18 tablets.  The meds worked, but the bleed has come back.  My GP now says I cannot have more???  I went to my local Boots and the pharmacist said he can only give it over the counter for people aged 18 to 40!!!  I am at my wits end.  Can anyone recommend other over the counter meds?  My GP is also wanting to stop my meds for anxiety, which I've been on for 15 years.  I am battling to understand the system here as surely quality of life is best.  Help :-)


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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh dear I am so sorry to hear your horrid experience of our NHS you must feel so frustrated and upset about it - are you able to change your GP? go to another one in the practice maybe?

    I haven't any further help but just wanted to say that I hope you get sorted soon and that you find some local friends very soon.


    • Posted

      Hi Susan.  Thanks for your reply - means a lot.  I am going to change my GP and hopefully have more luck :-)
  • Posted

    Hi Jen

    Oh sorry you feeling fed up , i can relate to you, i live in Spain and find it hard for health and good friends, partner works away too 😢 i am originally from uk .. I would go see another Doc and see what they say.. Hang in there Jen ... Jay xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay.  Thanks for the reply!  I am going to change GPs and see what happens.  I am sure once I find work I will meet new friends xxx
  • Posted

    I am afraid its like that in U.S. you could go to ten Doctors for same problem and all ten will help you differently. Check around, talk to the Staff at the clinic. See who


    Its tough starting over and making new friends. We moved to a new town after

    Living in one area for 25 years. Its not as easy as we age to

    Start over and make new acquaintances. Best of luck to you.


    • Posted

      Hi Pattie.  Thank you for your reply and kind words.  I love the UK and I am sure in time (when I find a job) I will meet new people.  I have a 9 year old step-daughter, but all the mums are soooo young LOL. x
  • Posted

    so sorry..please don't feel alone! This webpage is great to keep us all on track with eveything is going on. The bleeding is tough, I had it for months went to doctor and there are some things they can do if really bad...they can do some procedures ...but believe it or not it will come to a cease and slow down ..now I get a period like every 4-6months. The anxiety stinks..many suggest B6 vitamin with this it helps alot and your foods play a huge part...here in the US they add so much crap to our foods it messes with our hormones so if you can try to eat as "clean" Organic as possible this will help. Hope this helps and know that support is here!
    • Posted

      Thanks Lisa!  I am glad I found this page.  I am on Vit B and yes, I eat a lot of crap - will definitely look at my diet.  xxxx
    • Posted

      I know it's frustrating dear.   Menopause is our change of life so we have to change too.  We have to change our diet and exercise and drink lotsa water.    

      Because our bodies are changing we have to change too to help our bodies cope.  We will get through it somehow.  You will find the help you need.  New friends will create new ideas to cope.  Good luck to you!!  cheesygrin

  • Posted

    Hi, Jen. I am from SA. If you miss home, we can chat.

    Hang in there, there are lots of ladies on here that will help you through this. Like so many of them said, take vit b6, b12  and iron.

    You are not alone.


    • Posted

      Hi Nonnie - yay, another SA.  I love the UK, but sometimes I miss my family a lot, but all good.  I am taking Vit B and iron.  I see by the other posts that I am not alone - yay!


  • Posted

    Hi Jen I'm sorry you feel alone and that your doctor is not helping. Try a different one if you look on the web page for your doctors practice it should tell you what each doctor specializes in . Failing that try your local GUM clinic they deal with this all the time and have much more time for you. Keep talking the ladies on here are all going through the same kind if things. I hope you make some new friends that will help you. 
    • Posted

      Hi Liz.  Thanks for the encouragement.  I haven't heard of GUM, but will investigate.  I am going to change my GP and hope for more luck with someone else.  Take care xxx
  • Posted

    Hi Jen,

    No wonder you are feeling so alone - but now you have discovered this forum you will find many friends, ladies going through all sorts of menopausal symptoms. I work at home, alone, and, since becoming self employed a few years ago after 15 years in the close-knit community of a small factory, I have lost touch with so many people, having just a couple of really close friends whom I rarely see but with whom I keep in regular touch via texting - phew...long sentence.........this forum has been a real life-line!

    Having spent years without the need to consult a doctor I have had to see mine a lot more frequently in the last couple of years. That's when you realise no doctor can be an expert in every field and they all have different areas of interest - I have been suffering with several odd issues with a foot, and that's when I discovered mine is probably more interested in heart conditions....not a bad thing in itself, but it blood pressure pills and vast quantities of water pills did nothing to make my swollen foot better! I had to seek my own podiatrist after several xrays showed nothing wrong when I knew nothing was broken - and the situation is still ongoing, 20 months after first consulting my doctor. The podiatrist says I must insist on an MRI scan to find out why I am suffering burning pains in the side of my foot - but that's easier said than done!

    I digress....

    As the othere ladies are saying, you need to seek another doctor. Our village practice only had one doctor so I was stymied, but many practises will have 2 or 3 and you are entitled to see any doctor in your practise, not just the one to whom you are asigned. I have not even mentioned my odd symptoms to my doctor yet, other than the terrible crying episodes I was getting during periods late last year (for which I was prescribed Fluoxetine - which I have not taken since December!).

    Hang in there, Jen, don't give up - there are sympathetic experts in womens' health and hormonal problems out there and I hope you find one soon.

    Big hugs x

    • Posted

      Hi Madcow (love the name!)  Thanks for your encouragment - it means a lot.  I will definitely change my GP.  She was very unsympathetic!  Growing older is tough - LOL

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