Feeling anxious

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I’m in my third year of Peri menopause and my symptoms are back with a vengeance and some new ones.

Stomach pain which consists of bloating, bubbling gassy noises, dull aches to sharp pain and passing wind badly.

Also a burning feeling in my back and stomach. 

They seem worse when just sitting and seem to go when up and about.

Nausea and heating with a bit of dizziness.

I swear I have every life threatening disease, so anxiety through the roof.

Can anybody relate to my symptoms????

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karla - Wow! I just read your post & thought that is exactly how I am feeling right now! I get this weird back pain (middle of my back right side) that is discomfort but never thought to describe it a a slight burning sensation, but now that you said that, yes it feels that way.  Tons of gas & bloating and yes, feeling very anxious about it.  This is the third month that it has happened (at about the same time each month) I thought it might be gallbladder related & had an upper right quadrant CT scan, but nothing. I am 5 years post menopause so I think it has to just be depleting hormones screwing with our digestion - Ugh! Just try & relax, maybe try & take a warm bath 

  • Posted

    Oh poor you, and yes I totally relate to everything you are going through as I suspect, most of the ladies on this forum do. The most important thing you need to hold onto is that you are not alone in what you are going through and on here we all care and share to try our best to support one another so there will always be someone for you to talk to, day or night as our ladies are from all over the world and different time zones so someone will always be here for you so dont despair. Support and being able to vent your feelings is so important to be able to cope with this awful process. Try to keep positive and try not to get so anxious and remember this is just hormones screwing up your body and playing tricks on your mind. We are here for you hun. XXX
  • Posted

    Hi there. I woke up this morning to your message and I'd had a terrible night with chronic bloating and wind that I thought my tummy was going to exploid ... I've had a period of not being able to go to the loo . Something I've never struggled with. I too have experienced strange heat in my stomach... With neasua and awful headaches. Now I know it's the change and I've good and bad times with it. I'm so glad to be living in a time where women can share online and not feel isolated with this struggle. l hope you feel better soon. Be kind to yourself and thank you all who contribute. Its a great place to share and to be encouraged in this difficult and very misunderstood journey. CK

  • Posted

    Same thing.  No life threatening disease just a never ending misery. Now there is insomnia and severe anxiety and allergies to add to above. 
  • Posted

    Anxiety it is the worst of the symptoms, try to relax go for a walk, breath. I am here in my bed at 3:21 with this ear sensation like being up in the airplane and I am breathing just trying to keep cool while reading the posts, you know really help to calm down to talk, read and share our experiences 

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