Feeling anxious and uneasy
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Hello ladies . I have just come on again , three and half weeks since my last period , this seems to be my pattern now . I am 49 and seem to be having lots of peri issues . The thing is since last year I have suffered with terrible anxiety and I am now on citalopram. This has helped , but I can't understand why I am feeling so anxious again and just generally uneasy about everything even though my period has come . Surely this doesn't make sense . I just hate feeling like this . I don't think a lot of people really understand this . Do I have anything to worry about or is this all peri ? Thank you ladies . Xxx
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jo3674 jane63977
Hi Jane, I'm all new to this, I'm 42 & not had a period for nearly 10-months & have only just found out I'm in menopause. Prior to this (18-24 months prior) I was anxious on/off & didn't understand why due to my age they kept telling me it was nothing to do with menopause & I was probably depressed. I still get bouts of anxiousness every month or so (probably when when period would have been due) & sometimes it's an overwhelming feeling. I personally feel it has everything to do with menopause as I have never been this sort of person before. Sometimes the anxiousness & worry is incredible & I truly feel for you. Try deep breathing exercises & I feel you can possibly try Pilates or yoga (I'm so goddam tired I can't contemplate any activity). Unfortunately I think it's part of menopause & I can't say it'll get better (it didn't/hasn't for me). Possibly talk to your GP, CBT is a good way to learn to learn to deal with anxiety if you don't want to go down a medication route. I hope you find a solution soon & things ease up for you
Guest jane63977
Woo3353 jane63977
I had the same back in April irregular periods, I started taking flouextine in June due to anxiety like you. I eventually had biopsy and ultrasound etc which was all clear except light thickening of uterine wall.
I overhauled my diet cut out sugar and processed food take regular exercise and supplements and use bio identical cream. I feel loads better but still have 'blip' days I believe in my case is lack of progesterone and certain times during my erratic cycle but I want to avoid synthetic HRT for as long as I can or all together
jane63977 Woo3353
dee53012 jane63977
Also, my symptoms started after the death of my husband after a long terminal disease. The doc said that stress can bring on symptoms of CD. I hope it is just hormones, but CD is thought to effect 1 in 120 folks. That's a lot! Epedemic I'dsay.
2chr2015 jane63977
dee53012 2chr2015
after my husband died I didn't have a period for 6 months. loved that! after things settled down, cuzzin flow came right back.
dee53012 jane63977
Hi Jane,
There could be more going on. Have you had a check up of late? I had the same issues for a couple years, and then they stopped. 9 or so months went by and i had the period from H E double toothpics. Symptoms kept getting worse and then i started having loose stools. Within 4 months I had dropped 40 pounds and was passing out.
Long story short, I had Celiac disease. It was dreadful. Doc's do not think to test for it. It was years between my unwellness and diagnosis. Read up on it and see if you have any symptoms. You don't need symptoms to have it, but if you have them, it is all the more reason to be checked. I hope it is not it, but if it is, it is healthy to know one way or another.
Hang in there!
stephanie97023 jane63977
Hi Jane,
going through exactly the same as you, I feel your pain and don't know what to do I've tried everything so your not alone x
2chr2015 jane63977
colleen90305 jane63977
I'm sorry SORRY for the loss of your Mom(Mum)
colleen90305 jane63977
I'm sorry SORRY for the loss of your Mom(Mum)
Jokey jane63977
Hi Jane, all these things you are going through must be what the
menapause is all about from my experience. You will see on these brilliant
forums that all the ladies have had at least some of the same symptoms
as you. Your period will become erratic and you will probably experience
some other symptoms before you are through it (I hope you are lucky and don't )
You are perfectly normal and it is strange that you never actually meet anyone
who is going through it as bad as you, I never have, until now my sis-in-law
has started having symptoms. Keep on chatting to us on here and we will
all see each other through the hard times. We got to keep laughing!😁😁
All the best Jane
Jokey jane63977
finished uni and he got this memory stick a sort of self help thing
(someone who had been through it) it really helped him and he gave it to
My husband when he got anxious and it got him through. I will try to find
out more and get back to you. Worth a try huh?
Woo3353 jane63977
I absolutely swear by self hypnotherapy I use it every night & when I was at my worst anxiety through peri menopause I used it twice a day. The only thing I found is do it religiously every day (even though i fall asleep through it!)
dee53012 Woo3353
I am facinated. How does hypnotherapy work when you do it to yourself? I've never had it . . . is it possible to explain or is it too difficult? Thanks!
Woo3353 dee53012
It's hard to explain how it works all I know is you have a conscious and sub conscious part of brain, hypnotherapy works on both, whether listening to a hypnotherapist direct or on a listening device (ipad, stereo etc) its like a re-programming. The most important thing is to do it everyday as repetition is key. I struggle with anxiety and panic disorder I use it as a buffer treatment with my anti depressants my partner uses one for sleep and couple friends have used them for OCD you have to want it too work but give it a go.
dee53012 Woo3353
Woo3353 dee53012
If you have an ipad or computer download an app from hypnomedia they have various programmes but anxiety is the one I use. They are a registered recognised hypnotherapy practitioners. It costs about £2 for the pro version there is a free version but it has lot of delay
Give it a go if you do it every day you should feel benefits within 7 - 10 days
dee53012 Woo3353
I'm in the US. I will see if I can get it. IF not, I can talk to my therapist and see if she knows anything about it. Thank you, I will definately look into it!