Feeling Awful....

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Hi ladies so I'm feeling awful this morning been awake since 4am before that up every hour just peeing.. ( nothing new there) had vivid dreams that I recall lots of night sweats , now cold to the bone.. Quick sharp pains chest area, have had those before but of coarse thats always concerning .. Lay awake with trapped gas feel the pressure all over unrelieved from belching, usually when I sit up and belch it helps but not now.. Big swollen boots and nips hurt so bad.. Swollen painful joints hands and feet especially.. My hormones have definitely shifted .. Just can't sleep thought I'd vent to all the other meno sufferers out there in menoland that can't sleep or just having a tough time today.. Can only imagine how this day is going to go since ive all ready suffered half the night and I'm not even out of bed yet... Oh well here we go I guess its time to push on thru and start my day ...

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh also very weak shaky got that low blood sugar feeling like you could pass out feeling ( also nothing new) but sheesh not even out of bed yet and already feeling so crappy and full of doom uggh...

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    I have exactly the same things going on. i also have balance issues and feel dizzy a lot. This menopause is the pits. I pray it gets better for us all. Hang in there!

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    hello love, yes i know the feeling, what is it with the gassy feeling?! 8 get this alot, espicially in the morning and then if i get loose bowels as well - i know my anxiety is going to be high all day, i have to have a schedule to get me through these days, which had been almost everyday for the last couple of years, excercise, shopping, cleaning, work...just keep busy and reward myself witha glass of wine and hot bath at then end of the day, ive also recently cut out dairy and yeast- i would literally do anything to just feel normal again...here's to better daysx

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    ladies I'm here to encourage you I've had all those symptoms doom and gloom trapped gas in the stomach belching off balance hot flushes you name it I had it now 10 years and i can say most of them have gone i now get the occasional anxiety and flushes but all in all I'm not as bad as before btw i didn't take any medication so be patient with yourself all will be fine eventually

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      hi Betty - Well, thats the best news i have heard...i just have some questions...how old were you when your symptoms started? Ended? What were all your symptoms? Any symptoms that were the worst for you? Was Peri worst for you, or Post? What did you do/take to calm your symptoms? i am sorry for all the questions, but i have been at this now for 10 years, with Peri not being so bad, but these last 2 1/2 years have been awful & i am struggling & i am 7 years post - egads!

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      hi debra I think menopause just creeped up on me I realised it when I hit 50 when my heart was acting strange went had it checked all was normal gradually it got worse dizziness flushes breathing difficulties all the 65 symptoms I had them it's when I joined this forum that I got the answers this forum I must say has been my life savour so when my period stopped 3yrs ago when some symptoms started going away and I'm gradually getting my life back still struggle with anxiety but now I know not to let it control me

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      Thanks Betty for replying to me - its so crazy how these symptoms hit us at all different times in the journey - but i always remember a naturopath saying "its when your hormones crash, not a specific time in Peri or Post - Well, even though i am 7 years post these horrible symptoms hit me about 2 1/2 years ago - For me now, the achy legs (feel like i cant walk) anxiety & Hot flushes & Burning body parts top the list - i pray everyday that i will wake up symptom free - thank you for the little ray of encouragement -

    • Posted

      please i use to have this feeling in my left breast or is it heart like i will just faint any minute, i always lift my breast up immediately to gain strength. Then some nights i wake up suddenly like my breathing will just cease and palpitation follows. is it part of peri or do you think there is something wrong with me.

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    Thanks ladies for sharing.. This was such a crappy day today with pots of symptoms hitting me from every angle.. As night falls I'm going to unwind and hope last night doesn't repeat all though this menopause is known for their symptoms just repeating.. Betty thank you very much for sharing it gives me hope that one day these awful symptoms will be in the past 😥

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    HI Gypsy

    I know how you feel. I had a tough time yesterday and last night... had such an episode.. felt like a spasm from my next doe my left arm.. I could even lift my arms or use my hand for a good 5 mins.. there after my muscles were so sore... still burning.. hardly slept last night.. had a terrible vivid night mare... woke up all wet between my breasts and piping hot and burning all over...

    Hugs dear


    • Posted

      Hi Tams , yes fir sure was a tough day yesterday and night.. I'm having the night sweats and vivid dreams too that I can recall, in fact those 2 symptoms go together for me every month for a week long and lead right into my monthly migraines which are horrible.. With me all my muscles are involved as well.. Do you suffer from migraines or vertigo at all if not it kind of sounds like maybe you might be having the silent ones without the pain which if you had to suffer from migraines obviously those would be the ones.. Have you had an MRI to rule all else out .. I had an MRI done in the summertime omg worst experience every because at the time I was going through the lovely palpatations and skipped heartbeats and they were so bad during the actual test and I was sweating so much and I'm NOT. a sweater unless its night sweats at night otherwise I couldn't break a sweat if I ran 2 miles.. This is all so bizzare these weird symptoms, well I hope you feel better soon 😃

    • Posted

      Forgot to say that one episode I had during one of my migraine attacks I got super weak and couldn't lift my left arm or use it either during the actual attack it was so scary, and my legs felt weak like I couldn't move them and my mouth and lips I just had to wait it out.. And after that one specific episode it left me headachy and very confused like I just couldn't remember certain things or think straight for about 3 days after.. I always get that way after a migraine attack.. Its called the migraine hangover however never that bad..

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      Hi Gypsy

      No I don't get migraines at all not even a headache... My neuro writes is doen to stress?? I don't know but possible because I have had a lot of stress since this stuff started a month ago. He didc not even suggest MRI he says no MS he did a lot of different test they normally do when I visit every 6 months... I am epileptic and have been fully controlled for about 20 + years... so my next step is to visit my menopause specialist and see what he says and what he can do for me... then I will take it from there... good luck girl... anytime you wanna chat pop me a message. just remember I am from South Africa so response will be much later..



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      Thanks Tams sounds good.. And you as well if you ever feel like a chat send me a message im from the United States so I will get my messages eventually 😃

  • Posted

    I've had it all. Totally know what you're feeling. Went through a phase where my boobs and nipples hurt so much, it was painful to put on a bra. Swollen hands and feet most days. Have not had a good night sleep in two years. Having a terrible day today-bad period- I can barely move. Take care. xo

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