Feeling awful in peri menopause
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Perhaps someone can give me some advice? I have just stopped Evorel oestrogen only patches having discovered that I was prescribed the wrong sort of patches as I am still having periods! My GP has given me Evorel sequi to try which is the combination patch that I should have been on. She told me to start them after my next period. I am waiting and waiting, but no period has arrived! Just a little spotting and that was it. I feel exhausted all the time, with severe headaches and very queasy. I don't know whether I should start the other patches or whether I should try to stick it out without HRT. Has anyone else felt so lousy? It's the sickness and headaches that really trouble me. Could this be hormonal? I know that my oestrogen levels were really low before I started the HRT so I am definately peri-menopausal. I'm 52 next month. Any natural remedies for the sickenss etc? Thanks for any advice you can give!
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susan556 Brevis
delilah82600 Brevis
Brevis delilah82600
helen36974 Brevis
Never ever had any HRT, suggest you try non medical intervention.
You could be suffering from ME which is a wholly different issue to be handled by a rhuemotologist, he/she will be able to direct you accordingly.
These illnesses / symptoms may well be connected to M.E.
exhaustion is a key symptom
Brevis helen36974
susan556 helen36974
TeresaJS Brevis
Hi Brevis. I've posted extensively here about what I take: all bioidentical/prescription estradiol gel + oral micronized progesterone + estriol cream (virginally). I would prefer to go on phyto/herbal therapies only but I was feeling too awful so I’ve chosen with my gynaecologist the second best thing.
From what you’re saying and from my experience you would benefit from progesterone (Utrogestan) added to our estradiol programme. XXX.
Brevis TeresaJS
Thank you. This is all new to me! I;ve never heard of any of these. Is this instead of HRT or a form of HRT? Sorry to be so ignorant. xx
TeresaJS Brevis
We must be informed to be able to talk to our doctors. XX
shaznay96184 Brevis
I read this with interest as I too am not yet taking 'traditional' HRT and am still getting P's too.
At 54 I'd always imagined I'd be over n' done with this rubbish. And then I read susan556's post below......!
Another poster 'elaine' was actually told - by a snotty female consultant gynae of all people! -she wasn't Peri as she was still bleeding and therefore ovulating!!! What chance have we got if they don't know their a*se from their elbow?!!!
Even on the NHS site it gives you a list of HRT to take if you are/not bleeding/had a hysterectomy.
You must feel very frustrated, especially now Mother Nature's now decided to mess with your cycle!! I for one will love to hear how you eventually get on with your chosen HRT, for my future choices.
At the mo I'm still bleeding (although my cycle's starting to go a bit squiffy - great. It might actually stop one day!!!). I don't take any prescribed meds at all, I take a daily min/vit supplement of Menopace, some Vit D/Calcium. I've also been trialling some Bioidentical Progesterone Cream.
Seems this combo works well for me as I stopped with the cream very briefly recently - and felt like I'd aged overnight! My joint pain came back instantly I'd forgotten how crappy that constant pain made me feel. So Slap!, on went the cream pronto, and the pain went really quickly!
I too get a crap headache just before a bleed. Nothing major, nothing a couple of Paracetamols or Ibuprofen don't sort out. I also swear by my heat pad - a wheat-filled cushion I put in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Bliss. I drape it around my neck to ease any tension.
Don't get any nausea as such so sorry, no help to you there.
Jayneejay may be worth replying to as she is Queen of vits/supplements to take.
All I know is that if I wasn't applying this cream,I'd be flying down to the Doc talking about what HRT I could start, as for me the joint pain/fatigue is one of the worse symptoms.
Also my dear ol' mum had poor bone history, and even had 3 hip replacement ops all post-Meno. You'd have never known she was in constant pain, as she was running around like a good 'un, having had 5 kids and 10 grandchildren who kept her well active. Not to mention her doing all the white-knuckle rides of Orlando aged 72!!! My personal role model/complete Heroine xxxxx:-)
Chin up Kiddo.:-)
delilah82600 shaznay96184
helen36974 shaznay96184
Love your story and your up beat attitude to life (and in part the medical profession...who can think they are above us poor mortals)
Love the quote
'What is the difference between God and a Doctor?"
God does not think he is a doctor !!!" enough said...
I am 62 still have hot flushes during the day .. night time I have medication for 'Restless Leg Sydrome' so I am away with the fairies...
Have a good weekend
Helen x
shaznay96184 delilah82600
No not prescribed. The cream I am using advertises on this site.......makes me feel 'seren' if you get my drift!!!!:-) (that might get though the moderators!!)
Some/many are anti-internet-bought Bioidentical, but I wanted to give it a try before more conventional HRT. Seems to work well for me, alongside some Menopace (specific vits/mins for us at this age/stage
As for bleeding - not stopped in my case. I've always been regular as clockwork (a bloody 54yr old teenager, me!!). Found in recent mths I'm getting a bit irregular/ late. Who knows: I might finally be getting to the point where things will change. (Not quite sure if they'll fully stop while I'm using the Pro Cream, as is with conventional HRT??).
I'm not now so bothered about the bleeding per se as mine's far less heavy/less crampy. Its just without the cream I return to really aching joints. So much so I'd go seek convenional HRT and probably have to swap/change/alter doses to feel as well as I do at the mo......then to go o battle with my GP when they attempt to 'fore' me to wean off it!!!!
What a bloody farce we find ourselves starring in!!!!
Good Luck with whatever you decide to do.:-)
shaznay96184 helen36974
I find humour in most things - a great family trait - but I know I'm a miserable cow, and can change my mood in the blink of an eye!!?
You're the same age as my next-sister-up (got 3). She's been taking HRT for 7yrs+. Think she'll appeal to the Court of Human Rights if her GP 'attempts' to get her to wean off her 'fix' ever again!!:-)
Restless legs: what I would have referred to as my RLS was completely sorted once I started taking Menopace along with some occasional Magnesium/Extra Vit D/Calcium. Much improved, but still not so great at getting an uninterrupted kip. Thank God I rarely feel tired during the day!!
Keep well, and laugh when you can. I love laughing with my lovely ol' man. We still act like we did when we met aged 17- much to the annoyance of our son!!!
(Have a big fridge magnet in our kitchen stating: If You Haven't Grown Up By Age 50 - You Don't Have To! Too true:-) )