Feeling better but symptons reappeared
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Hi Ladies, some of the breast pain, chest tightening has went away, but lol it came back. I will tell you what I have been using and I think thats a part of it, I am drinking flax oil a few tablespoons a day and Omega, 3,6, 9. Also red clover tea. I ran out of it and guess what everything is back, Oh I forgot the Evening Primrose Oil, even though its a bit costly I will get extra next time so I do NOT run out. I am still dealing with the anxiety and stress. But, I see the therapist in 3 days and we will be addressing it too.
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jamie50513 lennie45832
Im glad you were able to find some relief and products that work for you. Hope you continue towards days of feeling better. Hugs to you.
lennie45832 jamie50513
jamie50513 lennie45832
lennie45832 jamie50513