Feeling Crazy!

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I am so tired of feeling crazy. This is ridiculous! I have been doing this for over two years now.

Last Friday, when my boyfriend was here, I was screaming, not at him, but just screaming, because I had so much anguish inside of me, that I didn't know what to do. I spent the rest of the night crying on and off because the emotional pain just felt unbearable.

When I woke-up the next day, I felt perfectly normal, and we had a great weekend together. It was bliss!

Now, I am back to feeling agitated, so much so, that it is hard to bear.

I am 51, and I am getting over 100 days between periods, so I know that I am getting there, but it is just so hard to believe that it can be this brutal and this unpredictable.

Can anyone else relate?

Please share:)

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel for you completely this is the most awful thing to go through I'm at my witts end with it all I'm already anxious about christmas cause just don't want to spoil it and be miserable !! I'm hoping it all ends soon ! your not alone hun

  • Posted

    same way here. it's such a rough and tough road. May The Lord God lead us through. Amen and amen

  • Posted

    Yes before my period I would have just so much rage in me.. I was a beast then it goes away.Just had D&C so now who knows if I'll have a period or not OR if I will feel rage at the time I was supposed to ovulate. Not looking forward to the holidays so maybe I'll be grumpy all month (to myself). hope it gets better!!

  • Posted

    You are not alone. I am going through the sanething .My poor Hubby!!! I am anxious all the time. My period is all over the place. I am 53 so I am hoping this will end soon!!! hugs!! we will get through this!!

  • Posted

    Thanks, SOOO much! That means a lot:)

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