Feeling crazy today
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Hey Ladies!
I've been feeling really crazy today. First of all, it's so unbelievably hot here in NYC. The temperature is 97 with a heat index of 104! This heat has really been affecting me. I woke up with heart palps. I felt nauseated, shaky and weird. My stomach got upset. This of course set off my anxiety. My chest was feeling weird. I will be so glad when I can kiss peri goodbye!
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becky53379 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 becky53379
becky53379 sharcerv52408
Thats a perfect way to put it! If I have a little bit of a normal day I get all frazzled because of the thought of the next earthquake coming back
Are you taking anything for this and how long have you been going through peri?
sharcerv52408 becky53379
I started going into it about seven years ago but my symptoms seemed to really intensify after I had my daughter three years ago. I had my kids late. I heard that having kids later in life makes peri or menopause more severe.
As far as taking something for the anxiety, no not really. I haven't stumbled upon that magic pill that helps. I just try deep breathing and relaxation.
becky53379 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 becky53379
Yes it is very difficult having young ones and going through this nightmare! My son, who is the oldest is 7 and my daughter is 3. They are very rambunctious to say the least. My husband doesn't really help out with them like I'd like and need him to. So a lot of it is on me. It is very stressful! My kids don't sleep through the night. So I am sleep-deprived which is what has triggered my stress and anxiety. I read that a lack of sleep can cause hormone imbalance because your stress hormone cortisol resets itself at midnight and when it is unable to do this it makes us be in flight or fight mode more easily. It basically gets stuck in the "on" position and needs to be reset. I just hope things settle down soon. I can't keep running to the doctor or the ER every time I feel weird. They're starting to know me now. Lol!
becky53379 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 becky53379
colleen90305 sharcerv52408
becky53379 sharcerv52408
Your welcome! Praying for all of us day and night
Take care!
sharcerv52408 becky53379
colleen90305 becky53379
becky53379 sharcerv52408
Thank you
becky53379 colleen90305
colleen90305 becky53379
becky53379 colleen90305