Feeling defeated and blue
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Hi All, I had a meeting with my bosses yesterday during which I intended to ask them to let me work more hours from home because I am so physically drained by my commute and sitting at a desk and barely have time to get to my docs, let alone yoga or swimming or anything that might help me move more and lose weight and maybe help my screaming joints. But before I could bring it up, they asked me to be in the office earlier and longer! It was an amiable meeting and I left feeling appreciated and needed but this is going to be so hard on my body. I tried it today... I was walking 15 minutes in the dark in the rain to the train...and hour train ride and then a 30 minute shuttle ride. I was at the office at 8:30. By 3 I thought I was going to die. I got home by six but my shoulder, neck and back are seizing and the rest of me is stiff and achy. I don't know how I can keep this up! I am sr exec and when the board asks me to do something that is reasonable, I really can't say no. They pay me too much and - beside the hours - it is a dream job and they are wonderful bosses! I can't move closer for my son is about to start jr. College and can't live on his own yet. If it wasn't for menopause and pain, this would be no problem. I don't know what to do! I'm despondent.
My my labs came back and they are all wacky... High cholesterol and blood sugar, low function thyroid (despite taking meds), bad c reactive proteins (sign of inflammation), low vit d and very low estradiol. I am a mess. I see my MD tomorrow and my ND next week. I'm sure MD is going to want to put me on statins and other meds. My ND says statins will suppress all hormonal activity by suppressing cholesterol production, which will exacerbate peri problems and muscle pain is a common side effect...she wants me to try to take off 20 pounds (I have already cut out fat, sugar, alcohol, gluten, cafeine and red meat!) and cut my calories by 500-700 per day. I have lost a couple pounds but I don't think it will be fasrt enough. I feel like I can't do more and nothing is working! I feel like giving up and I'm scared I won't live thru menopause. If a heart attack or stroke doesn't get me, I may keel over from shoulder pain--it's that bad or just die of exhaustion.
I am sad . Thanks for listening - I'll take prayer if any of you are in good with God.
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Sandy07 kim94523
I know you love your job, but I think you need to think about yourself at the moment and see if there are things you can do to scale things back a bit and take your stress levels down. You don't mention how old you are, but I know that once the menopausal hormone fluctuations kick in, it can often exacerbate any problems you have. See your Dr and find out what he has to say, perhaps talk things through with him. But have a good long think about what is best for you because you really need to take some time and be a bit selfish. If that means you have to bring your hours down a bit at work then have a chat with them and see what can be done to suit you and the. I'm sure they would rather have you at work and happy for a shorter time than completely burnt out. I do hope you manage to find a solution xx
kim94523 Sandy07
Sandy07 kim94523
Sandy07 kim94523
Crochetm Sandy07
It says it's because you added a link to another site other than this one!! Xx
Sandy07 Crochetm
Crochetm kim94523
kim94523 Crochetm
susan556 kim94523
kim94523 susan556
shaznay96184 kim94523
Having worked 11hr days (like a Trojan!!) for the 22yrs before we sold our Buiness 18mths ago, I used to drea,d the thought of going through thiscrap with an audience.
I suppose I've earned my 'Private Peri' having looked out for so many over the years. I'm defo not a selfish person and I cant stand anyone fussing around me: I just want to be left to get on with it, which I'm very lucky now to be able to.
For once in my life, i'm stumped for what to say
I dont have anything constructive to offer. Just my 'virtual shoulder' to cry on and the opportunity to vent off anytime you want
You seem to have a lot of interaction with health professionals which sounds like the best thing. Do you think it'd be a good idea to go see your
main GP, armed with your list of symptoms, medical results and EVERYTHING non-prescribed that you're taking, so that you might work out a co
mbination of them all that may work better for you?
Chin up kid. There is life after all this crap. Think 'mum' and 'nan' and the lives they went on to live. They didnt have HRT available (but I know my mum would have killed for it!!). Both mine lived well into their 80s after working bloody hard all their lives. In fact i wondered sometimes how my mum did actually do it! She had 5 kids from 1943-60 and didn't get her
first 'twin tub' washing machine until 1970!!!!:-)
One other point: dieting for me takes 100% commitment, which I rarely give anything. Don't beat yourself up about your attempted weight loss, you're doing our best I'm sure. But don't forget to eat enough or you'll feel c
rappy if you haven't got the energy to face your busy day.
We have a slimming club in the UK: Slimming World. Highly successful plans, brilliantly supportive group meetings (great laugh) and best of all you can eat tons (of certain foods!)...and still lose weight! Would a club h
elp you, dya think? (oh blimey, I can see this 'product endorsement' getting just like that with the Menopace!!!):-)
Cheer up Kim. You'll feel much better soon once you get some balance.
kim94523 shaznay96184
I'll try to stick with typing from the computer. But I can't resist
reading mails/posts in bed!
brimbo67 kim94523
It sounds like you have lots of proffessional advice, & your diet sounds great so you're off to a good start. Although you shouldn't cut out all fats, your body needs them, so do your hormones. Cut out all processed fats, oils, margerines, and swith to grass-fed butter (Kerrygold) & coconut oil for cooking/baking. Olive oil for salads. Cutting out too many carbs will be a huge shock to the system & can make you hypogloxemic. (did that myself & nearly passed out many times).
Be kind to yourself.... your family needs you xxxxx
kim94523 brimbo67
I will try to be kind to myself... but I have a college-bound son still at home and many bills to pay... I kind of need this job and I truly don't have the energy to search for another one that might be less taxing. Maybe when I get myself balanced a bit, I will put forth the effort. Right now, it's all I can do to get through the 12 hour days, and buy and cook healthy food, make it to Acupuncture, try to squeeze in a gentle yoga class... I have ZERO social life. I see no one. I do nothing. I rest whever I am not working or purposefully exercising. I feel like I have a disease. It would be easier socially in some ways if I did -- at least I would have a diagnosis. I don't know what to tell people now as to why i don't have the strength or stamina to go to the movies or go to the store. *sigh* at least you all understand. Much love and gratitiude for the reply! xooxo Kim