Feeling desperate today and in need of support
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Hello ladies,
After 4 really good days last week ive really crashed. Im anxious and panicky, feeling sick and pretty hopeless. Im really hoping I will start to bleed soon as I think im in the last phase of my cycle... however who knows as its been so irregular recently. How do you cope with these feelings of hopelessness and desperation?
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jayneejay anita31460
sorry you feel blue, you ask how people cope
i cope by, putting it out my mind, and keeping busy..
taking good vitamins, eating well, and keeping positive,
dwelling and worrying is the worse thing to do..
i say .. Oh its a menopause blip and put it out my mind or it takes over
B6 150mg helped me no end, relieved all these feelings of hopelessness and anxiety and i felt tonnes better in two weeks, never looked back .
jay xx
anita31460 jayneejay
sarah63813 anita31460
sarah63813 anita31460
anita31460 sarah63813
thanks for your support. When I was prescribed antidepressants 20 years ago they gave me my life back too. I have been on Citalopram for years but my specialist is suggesting changing them as they no longer seem effective. Im not convinced I want to do this until im sure its not my hormones and the dreadedmenopause causing all the problems. Ive just made an appointment with a menopause specialist so im hoping there's light at the end of the tunnel. I can honestly say ive never looked forward so desperately to a period starting!
sarah63813 anita31460
anita31460 sarah63813
yes I am in the uk. The consultant was recommended to me by a couple of different people and luckily I managed to get a consultation on the nhs. Will definitely let you know how I get on
sarah63813 anita31460
JoycieJane anita31460
BellaRubia anita31460
it is funny, my bad days are 2 or 3 weeks after my period, not before them! Just before them, I feel great!
Big hugs,
loretta63638 anita31460
XO I hope you feel better Loretta
annieschaefer anita31460
I know exactly how frustrated you are feeling right now. Have been there myself. I can have some incredibly wonderful days, thinking the worst is behind me then bam! I fall into some type of funk for a bit. I'm doing all the things that I have been told will help, the vitamins, supplements, ok, I try to eat right, not always successful, see a natural path doc, go to yoga classes (not religiously right now) and work.
Much like Jay says, keeping busy (in my case-getting out of the house and even going to work is enough) really helps with doing away with much of the negative feelings. Not to say that I haven't had to rely on a sedative now and then. At 56 I am still having occasional cycles......most recently the last one reared up around the holidays and the weeks leading up to it and during where horrendous.
The best I can tell you, is it will end.....promise......it's just finding the most suitable way for you to navigate around it.
I did go to my GYN on Monday for my yearly check up, it's funny, a year ago I was in his office seriously sobbing my eyes out, handing him a paper of my written out health concerns (depression and anxiety being high on the list) and this year, while the moods do swing around, it was the weight gain that top the list, and I was talking, not sobbing.
It was then I realized I'm actually settling down somewhat, at least in the emotional arena. No telling when it will all be done, but I'm a year closer!
I know how scary and frustrating it is for you this very moment and so do the other ladies. Experiment with different things, be it supplements or meds. There is no one size fits all to help us, nor should there be any shame if you would happen to chose some meds to help you through these rough patches, they have helped me at times.
Sending you healing thoughts Anita!
Annie xxxx
jayneejay anita31460
be kind to yourself.. Things will get better
jay x