Feeling ill on a morning

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Hi ladies,does anyone feel ill on a morning? As soon as I open my eyes,which is always 5 am  I feel sick and nervous,when I get up I feel heavy headed and a little off balance.Its driving me mad,I hate starting the day like this.I ve always been a cheerful morning person xx

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Morning hun

    Yes I do almost like a hangover and I don't drink lol.

    This peri has a lot to answer for. Hope you feel better as the day goes on xx

    • Posted

      Morning.hun,I can't remember the last time I had a glass of wine it must at least three years.Yes I guess it is like a hangover feeling with anxiety and aches and pains.God I'm only. 46 and I feel about 90 lol.i never knew peri could cause all these problems.i hope you have a good day aswell xx
  • Posted

    Hiya ur not alone mine seems to start as soon as I wake up n I think jeez give me an hour at leastt before it kicks in but usuallygets better as day goes on x hope u feel better soon x
    • Posted

      Aw thank you,i hope you feel better soon,one day it will all be over for us and we can feel great again 😊xx
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      Yes I hope so I cant complain it has improved over last couple of months from the horrendous start I had so fingers crossed it wont be long before we are all back toour normal selves x
    • Posted

      Do any if you ladies feel like your constantly aware of your heart beat?

      Ive had ecg and heart monitor and all been fine. I feel like my heart is beating too fast when actually when I do my blood pressure it isnt. Normally between 60-80 beats per minute. Ive been to the doctor so many times. Its driving me crazy. Is this anxiety? X

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,I think it provably is the anxiety making you aware of your heartbeat,I think anxiety just makes us feel every little pain and feeling in our bodies,that normally we wouldn't take any notice of. I hope you feel better soon take care xxx
  • Posted

    Yes, you're not alone. I've experienced this many times. It's associated with anxiety. It is a bothersome feeling. Hope you're feeling better soon.
    • Posted

      Yes it is really getting me down. Been constant for last two weeks. Ive had it before in perimenopause. I think its health anxiety brought on by perimenopause. It suckssad

      Thanks fot your reassuring words xx

  • Posted

    Hi fudgebear 

    yes this is how i feel in the morning at times sick nervous stomach issues, tired just not wanting to do anything accept stay in bed all day and sleep


  • Posted

    you may have a little bit of a virus i was like that for about a week the it broke loose head congestion was mine the nausea was from the draining the anxiety comes with the menopause i have it daily and when it goes away i am pooped hope you feel better they told me also that my equal librium was off due to the drainging in my ears at night it will make you nausea and nervous 
  • Posted

    yes the anxiety makes me aware of my heart i use to get scared but doc told me it's a part of menopause as the day goes on it goes away when i get busy hope it get better for you

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