Feeling low
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Yesterday and today I have been feeling really low, not wanting to do things this weekend. I just found out myself that I am in menopause. Its scary because I already have a thyroid problem so my hormones have really been messed up with anxieties, panic attacks, fatigue, low of energy, not wanting to do a lot just crying yesterday.
I need to undrstand and know does being in menopause can that cause heart attacks, or is it the HRT therapy, also I need to know which HRT therapy should I use for these side effects, I'm thinking of the natural progesterone that compound pharmacy's can make, but my OBGYN is saying I should be on a small dose of estrogen 1mg and a little bit of progesterone but how do I know which one is right for me since I have hypothyroidism and I take levothyroxine, and I have diabetes, blood pressure problems, high heart rate, depression and anxieties. I don't know what to take because of what I have read about estrogen that it can cause heart attacks and strokes, then I also read that it can help you from having a heart attack or stroke by doing something with the blood to make it flow better. I'm all mixed up don't know what to do just need advise and some hugs
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annieschaefer susan21149
Even going to a physician-a lot of time, it's all trial and error (it seems) when one med doesn't work and perhaps another does for me, that may not for you. We don't share the same risk factors, but even going to a different physician, I've been told conflicting info. Frightening to say the least.
Best I can do for you is to send you big hugs and ask that you see your own physician so they can hopefully guide you in the best possible way.
Seriously BIG HUGS coming your way Susan and many healing thoughts.
Annie xx
susan21149 annieschaefer
jayneejay susan21149
sorry your feeling low, think we all have those days i know i have ..
are you now post menopause ( no periods for 12 months)
with your health conditions you need to be seeing a Gyno for any HRT you may consider, never buy any natural progesterone off the internet ..
it needs monitoring and the right doses for you specifically
I am post menopause and my Gyno said its a little estriol i need just for the vag dryness.. I have never taken HRT .. But do use the estriol vaginal ovules on occassion
i did use natural progesterone off the internet in 2011 and it made a mess of me, made me bleed again and caused a breast lump which luckily went three months after stopping..
my Gyno was horrified i had used it.. Said it messes women up and stores in the body fat after time and causes havoc with hormone overload ..
so be safe and be guided by the professional for your individual needs
Chin up susan
rest assured your not alone
jay x
fancygoldfish susan21149
I understand. I have some of your same problems. Have you considered going to a wholistic doctor who knows all about bioidentical hormones? They are out there and use compounding pharmacies to make the bioidentical hormones specifically for your needs. It's unlikely you would find a traditional medicine doctor who is going to prescribe them because that's out of their field and they haven't learned about them.
I paid out of pocket to go to a licensed medical doctor who specializes in wholistic medicine and had hormone testing and was prescribed bioidentical progesterone cream, which is all I need right now in peri. It has made a world of difference. Some women have problems with it when they use it and don't need it or don't have a high enough dosage. (Too little can make things worse, so women stop before it has a chance to do any good, thinking it made it worse.) It is my understanding that breakthrough bleeding or spotting is common at first with either kind of hormone therapy. And replacing your hormones to premenopausal level could very well make you get your periods back.
It's supposed to build up in the fat layer of your skin. That's how it works and is delivered. I have read that a pregnant woman makes 300-400 mg of progesterone a day, so that's a lot right there without overdosing. Premenopausal women make about 30 mg a day, I have read.
You have to decide what's right for you. Everything in life is benefits vs. risks, especially prescription drugs. I have some prescription drugs that I could not live without and am thankful for traditional medicine as well as wholistic.
Try to get outside and get some sunshine the first chance you get! It always seems to help my anxiety and depressed moods.
I'm not a medical doctor. I'm not giving anyone medical advice. I'm just giving my view and experience on alternative options maybe some have not considered yet.
annieschaefer fancygoldfish
I do use the progesterone cream intermittentally under direction of the current physician. It has been incredibly helpful, but it apparently was what I need/needed. I don't believe in people ordering this stuff over the internet willy nilly as the results might not be the best outcome without proper direction.
It's a real shame it seems there are so few physicians that understand this period in our lives and how best to help us. I guess there are many people that do not suffer much through this time period, but I still wish there were more doctors that could make this a focus on their practice so it's not left up to women to struggle through trying to fix these sometimes awful times.
Annie xx
jayneejay annieschaefer
unfortunately some of these creams are widely easily available on the internet ... stating natural and beneficial, harmless etc and its not always the case for some ..
each to their own .. People do as they wish, but in my experince like you ladies rightly say too.
seek professional advice and never self prescribe them ..
one fix doesnt not fit all ..
i was caught out and desperate back then, i am not usually a fool.. and would never do it again.. Awareness and safety is the key ...
theres great professionals out there its just finding them. I always pay private where i live and try and see the best now
jay x
annieschaefer jayneejay
And I've seen those websites selling the creams, very, very convincing. And perhaps for some of us, and in my case, very limited use has been beneficial, but I am such a chicken, I run things through hopefully a professional who specializes in this area, but even then, I have been led astray a few times during this journey. In fact, I'm so mad at myself for not discussing MACA with him on my last visit. I really want to try it, but chicken that I am, and I have no doubt, it may help me in some ways I need, I'll wait to my next visit to run that by him. I know it really has helped you and do hope that it helps me in the future.
All the more reason I wish there were more studies and docs that were educated in this time period. Silly that we have to play these guessing games to feel well.
I always say if this was affecting males to the point it does us, there would have been all sorts of treatments to restore "normalcy" long ago!
Annie xx
jayneejay annieschaefer
how are you..😊
i am no fool no.. Not on purpose .. 😊
i listen to my Gyno, he is top and he talks sense ..
I already knew the natural progesterone dangers after using, and he explained even more. I am not interested in anything, but what my Gyno says now.... I just wish people luck with it who use it long term.
Gps are just that.. general practitioners, not specialists in Gyno ..
Cant expect it really, i suppose .. Thats why they refer .. Or use to when i was in UK..
i am next going to see a Homeopathic therapist and try some homeopathic remedies, worth a try .. Had success as a sceptic with these before, given to me to try for other things, changed my views..
i am post meno now, and feel i need a different approach, doesnt help that i have a back injury and a back problem anyway, so right now its hard to know what aches & pains are from what, meno or my persistant back problem.
going to get it xrayed and check no other underlying problems .
i have an extra fused disk and vertbrae in my spine and it is constant dull aching always .. But i had an injury two weeks ago and all has gone from bad to worse ..
blimey.. There is always something isnt there
jay x
susan21149 jayneejay
Is it really dangerous taking natural progesterone what did it do to you if you don't mind explaining. Please let me know. I am researching things out because I found out I am in menopause myself having a hard time with it
jayneejay susan21149
only your doctor / Gyno will know what is best for you hun
he / she knows your medical history etc
you ask your Doc/Gyno what your particular options are thats the best thing to do
susan21149 jayneejay
annieschaefer jayneejay
I have recently returned to Yoga classes, my spine has issues that kept me out of class for past 2 months, happy to be going back. Sorry to hear of your injury and you are so right, sometimes it is hard to tell what is acting up and making us feel poor.
I am also in my 4th week of acupuncture. Didn't really think much of this particular prior but honestly, have noticed an odd sense of peace and less pain. Does that even make sense? I feel better and it's really the only thing that besides returning to yoga this past week that has changed in my routine. Tuesday will be my last visit for a bit, so we shall see if it really was behind the overall improvement.
BTW-thank you for every time you take the time to post things you have researched. I sure have learned quite a bit from you and so has my regular GYN! I've pointed this site out to him and we are here in the States! So thank you my dear and feel better soon!
Must be off to work (on a Sunday no less! lol!)
Annie xx