Feeling nervous
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Hello all,
I'm feeling the nerves about my annual colonoscopy exam tomorrow. I haven't had any issues to be concerned about it's just with meno and the anxiety that is associated with it that's making me dread this procedure. How do you ladies deal with going to these scheduled appointments now that menopause has set in?
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klm1213 sharcerv52408
I'm not! I freak out every time I go to the doctor now due to perimenopausal anxiety. I never had anxiety before this... now when I go to the doctor in my heart rate is always elevated
andrea00523 sharcerv52408
Hi Sharcerv,
I absolutely understand where you're coming from, my anxiety level regarding exams-colonoscopy, mammography, breast and vaginal ultrasounds, blood work, etc. It's scary! I admire those who can walk in to a test and think nothing of it, only another part of their day. However, that's not me! Peri, Menopause and Post Menopause can wreak havoc on your mental health. It does help when I take long breaths in through my nose and slowly let it out through my mouth. You may want to try it.
Sending you positive energy for a quick and normal procedure:)
Here for you. XO
sharcerv52408 andrea00523
Thank you Andrea. I just want it to be over already.
Marinab sharcerv52408
I know a lot of people that put them off which delays the major anxiety but increases everyday stress of not knowing.The feeling of calm and relief after is so worth it. It is the best sleep ever and you will feel like you have overcome a hurdle. The caregivers at these centers are typically very nurturing and understanding.
I do a mini-fast a few days prior to the prep.I couldn't finish the solution but knew it had already worked. My doctor said I was clear.Make sure to stay hydrated after and eat lots of non-binding foods.
sharcerv52408 Marinab
Thank you Marinab. How much of the solution did you drink? I'm sick of drinking this nasty-tasting mess. 🤢
I am happy to report that my colonoscopy procedure went well and everything was normal, thank the good Lord! I do not have to go back for 10 years. Thank God!