Feeling out of control
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This has been a very hard week for me. Each week brings something different. It is over powering me and i dont know what to do anymore. This has been going on for over one year now day in and day out. I feel very depleted. As long as i dont get a period this what its like for me every single day. This week has been lots of anxiety, shaking, tremors to the point of all i can do is lie down. I cant sleep because i am all wired up and anxious. I tried exercising but i get crash fatigue where it just takes everything out of me. So get this unbelievable tiredness and fatigue that comes over me it is just plain scary. So i cant do exercise. I keep thinking that something is really wrong with me, my mind is constantly going. I feel so alone and depleted. I cant no longer control my body or my mind.
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Gypsy014 mary27278
Oh Mary, im so sorry you're feeling so bad.. You're having one of those bad episodes of horrible symptoms, everything you just wrote I get that same way, its like all you can do is lay down, me too, when I get that way, it WILL pass soon.. It WONT stay and then on to something else, and then on the 20th of may next month all this will be right back with you, its an awful boomerang of symptoms I know... Just relax and don't fight it and it will pass.. Hurry up anf feel better!! I just came off of a horrid 3 day migraine from HELL, and all I could do was lay under pillows in a dark room.. Headache gone but still feeling weak n tired so I'm still relaxing as best as I can, take care ?
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary - I'm so sorry you're feeling so terrible. It sounds as though you may be estrogen dominant. If you don't mind me asking, what symptoms (apart from what you've mentioned here) do you get, and do they change at different times in your cycle?
Guest mary27278
mary27278 Guest
Thanks Suzanne. What is so strange is that all of this came on this week. I was able to at least walk and jog in place. But now right after this crash fatigue comes over me. I'm wondering if yhe progesterone cream could be causing this. My doctor put me on bhrt biodentical progesterone and ive tried several time in the past to take it but as soon as i put it on my hearts starts palpitating, aches hitting me and just feeling awful. So he tried again and same thing. A herbalist referred me to a doctor who is the author of adrenal dominance and this dr. says progesterone does this to people who have a hyper adrenal. But, im still using the cream only a small bit. I think i will stop it and see what happens.
Guest mary27278
dora_39625 mary27278
Hi Mary.
I have exactly the same symptoms as you! It's uncanny!
Have you spoke to anyone about this?
I'm just trying to ride it out as best I can but it's so difficult at times.
Hope you feel better soon x
mary27278 dora_39625
Ive been to tons of doctors and i am seeing a menopause doctor now. He pretty much told me he doesnt know what to do because my case is a bit different. No, hot flashes here just other delibitating symptoms. He has me on progesterone cream and other supplements but i cant take the progesterone because it causes my heart to palpitate even more and makes my syptoms worse. Another doctor who wrote a book called Adrenal Dominance thinks i have this issue because progesterone does this to people who has adrenal dominance. I ran it by my dr. and he did agree that i have the symptoms of a hyper adrenals. So i guess i need to calm down the adrenals.
dora_39625 mary27278
I can totally relate and sympathise with you Mary. It's been exactly the same for me for about a year and a half now.. I've had every horrid, and aa you say, debilitating symptom imaginable. I can't quite believe I'm going through it and friends and family haven't had it this bad.
My mum informed me that she went through quite a tough time too and can relate to some of my symptoms, but somehow managed to struggle through. She took HER only for a short time as said it didn't agree with her so was pretty much left without any real advice or help. Sad to think that 20 odd years laters, things haven't progressed much and we're faced with the exact same problems and not really much help. Awful!
I'm trying my best and focusing on natural alternatives and feel good relaxing treatments.. anything that will temporarily help and distract from this hell.
haley30534 mary27278
Aw Mary your not alone hunny loads of us feeling the same horrible symtoms, I've been on antidepressants now for nearly 5 weeks and starting to feel more human again in the anxiety and depression part, was horrible, I really hope it carries on getting better. Have you tried any medication for anxiety? X
mary27278 haley30534
Yes Haley i tried several anxiety meds. I am so sensitive to things especially meds. The dr. I am seeing now is a alternative /medical dr. but prefer the natural approach. He tried putting me back on a very low dosage of anxiety med , it worked before but now it doesnt work. It seem to make the anxiety worse... . It would help me sleep but i am so wired up , i cant sleep. But he is assuming that i have an adrenal issue which is hyper . I haven't dealt with the anxiety in a while until lately.
mauiblue mary27278
I understand what you are going through. Its every day this horrid nonsense. I wanted to ask you if you are also losing weight or gaining?
Ive had so many symptoms its hard to keep track-depression hands down the worst, then anxiety and adrenaline surges a close second then as you say you feel crashing fatigue, yes i get it all.
People tell you to 'shake it off' or 'think happy thoughts" you know what i want to do when i hear these things?
Nothing is wrong with us
its the hormones and I think that its even more than that.
I think that our environment is different now, and its toxic to us. Sounds crazy but i believe it. Medicines, chemicals, food etc etc. is not what it used to be. Not at all
Yes and the mind, the moneky mind i call it. Its hard to shut off..
were here to support eachother.
mary27278 mauiblue
Hi Mauiblue im glad you understand and i hope you find relief really soon. I was losing weight but i think now im just maintaining but my stomach is just getting fat along with my boobs. I cant exercise because the heart palpitations are overboard. Do you get them?
I know what you mean about thinking happy thoughts , its like my emotions are totally messed up especially my "happy emotion" is gone somewhere. I cant even seem to laugh anymore. Yes, i agree with you it is more than hormones. I think the food, environment , etc contribute to it. Though, i try to eat as clean as possible but i have to breath air and plus I live in a very polluted city. 🙁
The heart palps have been going on for months , i wake up with it. I'm thinking its more of the hiatal hernia thats doing it. Pm anytime ..we will get through this.?
mauiblue mary27278