Feeling out of it

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The other day on Friday I was taking a nap because I felt really tired, I woke up around 4:30 in the afternoon close to 5 feeling like I was not myself and just really dizzy with my heart racing this was a wierd experience I had has anyone ever felt like this after taking a nap. Or is this because I am in post menopausal could that have given me the weird feeling as if I was not myself

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    I get the dizziness and kind of out of body experience sometimes if I wake up after an afternoon nap ( on the rare occasion I get the chance to nap). However I don't get palpations then. I only get the palpitations if my anxiety levels are up.

    I always feel as if I need chocolate after an afternoon nap 😉


    • Posted

      Hi cammi

      Choc cravings can sometimes been you lack magnesium hun,

      I take solgar chelated magnesium doesnt upset tum.

      If i am bunged up bowel wise,then i will take an effervescent magnesium as magnesium citrate and oxide have laxative effects ,,

      Just a thought

      Hope your keeping okay x

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks Jay... I thought I was just greedy 😉

      Thanks for the tip. On my next day off work I'll pop to the pharmacy.

      I'm doing ok 'ish' at the minute but daren't say that too loud 😉

      I definitely think the vits are helping and I'm trying to put an afternoon aside just for myself, every couple of weeks and now I'm feeling less guilty about it I think its helping as well. Plus I think the thought of spring and summer cheers most people up😊

      Hope you're well too. Xx

  • Posted

    Blimey napping in afternoon ( i wish )

    No .. Cant say i had this,

    Maybe its ur meds, too much of .

    Sometimes had the odd palp but doesnt worry me ' all part of it'

    Jay x

  • Posted

    I had something similar this morning 6am woke up ( felt strange, bloated hard tummy, felt sick, couldn't breath properly, felt like I was going to pass out, went all weak with slight tingle to hands & feet, heart rate was really fast, when it starting to pass I started burping, & had tight chest like aching muscle when breathing in, iv had a bit of tummy ache a bit like slight period pain/aching overies. Also have the urge for a poo after  all this happened!! It's so scary 😞

  • Posted

    HI Susan

    Yes, This relates to me too. Very scary. Thank you for sharing your experience. This is great relief 

    • Posted

      Thanks ladies for your great answers now I know I am not alone
  • Posted

    Hi susan

    Fortunately, its very rare that I feel tired during the day: thankfully.

    Did resort to it earlier this month as I had one of those really 'heavy', draining days on my Period. Just the one day, but I felt....knackered!

    Truth is, for the very reasons you describe, I hate sleeping during the day, as I wake up sweating, with my heart racing. 

    Read today that a 45min 'Power Nap' each day is great for maintaining a good memory, warding off dementia.  Don't think there's much hope for me then, as unless I'm ill, I will not be sleeping during the day!!

    I think we must feel a bit disorientated, as if you think about it, when we wake after a night's sleep, we're generally waking for the day, rested.  Maybe our bodies really want us to sleep on??

    You are not alone, that's for sure


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