Feeling overwhelmed sometimes!
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Hey Lovely Ladies
I do hope you are all successfully dealing with another day on this rollercoaster ride!
I haven't been on here for a while, although I do read every post!
I have started another weird journey that started with a year of shoulder pain and it seems to have transferred to a spasm in my jaw...it goes off on its own occasionally and I feel like a freak!!
Does anyone else have this? It makes e very self conscious, although I've been told you can't notice it!!
No one tells you if all these issues you face (it's like it's swept under the carpet) Where as I've been very vocal to my team of 20 to 30 year old women as I think it should be talked about, unashamedly!!
Love you all on this journey ❤️
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Fairy28 Marley1
Marley1 Fairy28
Bless you...it is horrible isn't it! Mine did start with the creaky jaw everytime I ate, so much so I tried to have loud music or the TV on full blast (the things we do!!)
But just recently the noise has gone and been replaced with an almost jerk response (when I'm cold it's worse)
It is utter madness what hormones can do but I guess it's our body getting used to the decline....I'm waiting for the next chapter, the one where we manage to relive our youth and I for one cannot wait!! 🙏🏼
Fairy28 Marley1
Marley1 Fairy28
I'm the same at night and unfortunately my wardrobe is growing and my bank account diminishing!!
The sad film thing I can relate to and I end up looking like an Alice Cooper tribute band.....not the greatest look when you feel crap already!!
Sending you love and good vibes to get through the day/night ❤️
Fairy28 Marley1
Marley1 Fairy28
And I'll probably be here at 2am if you need to chat.
We all have each other to support us, Men just see in black and white and want to fix things and they cannot fix this, so get angry, not at you but at themselves.
Stay strong 💪🏻
Fairy28 Marley1
jamie50513 Marley1
I only sleep a few hours at night too. I get a new crazy symptom every day. I am the docs office now with the worst anxiety ever. It takes my body so long to come down from it. I'm shaky, nervous, and then when I feel discomfort I panic leading to the heart palps. Makes me just want to stay in my bed all day every day. The dreaded part is, I'm just getting started with this stuff and can't imagine having to go through it more years. I am grateful for this forum and you lovelies as I would have lost my mind if I didn't have you all to vent to, share my expierences and ask for feedback if anyone has felt the way I do. I should change my name to ER queen as much as I go when I panic.
Marley1 jamie50513
I tried to suggest a book for you to read but it got moderated!
It is an amazing book that will really help you with all the feelings of anxiety.
Sorry it got moderated.
jamie50513 Marley1
Emis_Moderator Marley1
lennie45832 Marley1
didi0613 Marley1
liz28780 Marley1
lennie45832 liz28780
liz28780 lennie45832
lennie45832 liz28780