Feeling positive, so...

Posted , 9 users are following.

Ladies -

Let's think about some good stuff.

Have you noticed any "positive" menopause symptoms? Like, things that seem to have gotten better with the hormonal changes?

My metabolism seems to have sped up a bit, which I know seems counter-intuitive, but I have been eating not-so-good food, and lots of it, and I don't seem to be gaining wait as quickly as in the past. I HAVE gained a few pounds, so it's not like there's an underlying issue, but I used to gain weight much more quickly - especially water weight. My ankles don't seem to be swelling as much, and I've only put on 10 pounds over the last 4 or 5 months. Like I said, that may sound sill being happy even though I gained, but I was expecting to have been way more. Anyone else notice this?

Also, HEARING! Of all the bizarre things. lol I notice that when I'm listening to music in the car or even watching TV I am picking up little sounds in the background of the songs or shows that I never noticed before. I kept pausing the music and TV to be sure I wasn't just hearing things outside of the music or show, but nope, the background sounds are just more prominent. Anyone else?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julee, ok...I am really reaching to find positives...but I have noticed I am really good at saying NO now and not feeling bad. Also, just directly saying what comes to mind instead of sugar coating everything. I lost weight too, but I am pretty small anyways. I do not retain water either, like my rings are loose now. YES! my hearing is crazy. My ears ring most of the day, but when they aren't, I have had to pause tv shows and see if the sound was from my house. 😃

    • Posted

      YES! the "NO" thing is a great plus. I have reached DGAF mode. lol I'm like, If you don't like it, deal with it lol. Not that I am mean, but I just can' be bothered with people's drama. hahaha

    • Posted

      Yes! This is the definite positive that I've noticed

  • Posted

    Hi Julee,

    I do lost a lot weigh almost 20 pounds. It was because of hyperthyroidism after menopause, I did not feel well at all, because my buttock had not muscle at all, very weak! I even want my weight back now! My weight comes back, that means my thyroid function is fine. So different people have different thing.

  • Posted

    I like your idea. I love the No thing too. I am feeling more self confident and the physical symptoms led me to work with a psychologist. That has helped me be more aware of myself as well, instead of just taking care of others I love. Thanks for posting!

  • Posted

    Me too Rebecca

    It is hard to find something physical which has improved but I think my approach to anxiety has made me step back and look after my wellbeing more than before. I'm not giving giving all of the time and burning myself out. Sometimes I could care less how others take me, which is very odd considering I've always worried about that. Unfortunately no spidey senses for me, not bionic hearing or invisibility 😁 xx

  • Posted

    i agree with all of you that it's great to finally not put up with people's b...s..t!! And to stand up for what I want and don't want at work and not always have to keep it in due to possibly wanting a reference at some point lol. Now i just say it how it is!

  • Posted

    after what seemed like 6 months straight of sore boobs now they don't hurt at all and no period last month. no general pms either. so weird but not missing it!

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