Feeling run down
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Do any of you feel like you tend to wake up to more anxious jittery feelings in the mornings? I wake up feeling anxious, with chest palpitations, shaky feelings in my legs and stuffy nose and head feelings. Then by night time I am fine like none of this happened earlier in the day. Anyone else get this?
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julee15466 sharcerv52408
I'm the opposite. Wake up feeling OK, then a few hours later I'm in an anxiety tailspin. I am also feeling horribly rundown. I just want to sleep all day.
sharcerv52408 julee15466
Well it's not exactly when I first get out of bed. It's usually once I am up and moving around trying to get the kids ready for school and myself as well.
kelly55079 sharcerv52408
Yes. I feel run down myself. I know I sleep BUT the quality may not be there which I'm not sure how to fix. But it could be the anxiety that does it as well. Some mornings the anxiety is really bad and other mornings 'I'm ok'. Can't pinpoint it exactly-- it could be what I eat, it could be unwanted pounds or just plan hormones. I take many vitamins so it's hard to believe I would be 'low' in something.
Beverlys1 sharcerv52408
hey girl, i wake up every morning very tierd , i get alot of anxiety when i have hot flashes the night before, it is very upsetting,,i also get jittery inside like my blood sugar is low or something....if i have a schedule on eating and what i do every morning i do better, like drink my tea first thing, then eat my hard boiled eggs then smoothie etc... this helps me take my mind off of all of it.....❤❤❤
Sassyr12a sharcerv52408
Yes it's really common. It's because seratonin is at its lowest and cortisol at its highest. So you get the feeling of anxiety for the morning and as the day goes on you often feel better. I try to either work it off by a walk, or meditate to calm it xx
sharcerv52408 Sassyr12a
Thanks Sassy. It seems to come and go from time to time. There have been mornings when I wake up feeling relatively fine. Then there are mornings like there have been for the past ten days that have driven me all but crazy.
Sassyr12a sharcerv52408
Yes, that's exactly how it is for me too. The only thing that seems to help consistently is getting up and getting out. It seems to reset my brain and when I get back from a walk it's more manageable xx
alison91416 sharcerv52408
Hi i woke up this morning feeling ok and then worried about worrying! i felt like i was rushing mentally yesterday and woke up worrying what if i feel like that today! we cant win can we lol