Feeling scared
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Goodmorning everyone, I hope I'm not being a bug but I dont know what to do. I am so scared and I cant explain to my husband or my chilren what Im feeling because I'm afraid they will think Im crazy.
I try my best to be strong as if nothings wrong but everyday I feel like I am dying . Last night my husband and I went to VBS at our Church and again I started feeling so tired and aching everywhere I kept asking him if he was ready to leave where before he was the one asking me . On the way home my head was punding and my neck was hurting so bad and then my back again,I just wanted to cry, I was so sleepy I couldnt even talk to him on the way home. My hips, knees and ankles are hurting this morning but Im afraid to take I buprofen because of high enzyme levels . I have been drinking ACV every morning after someone told me it was good for joint pain and alot of other things but I dont know how long it will take to see results. I am just so tired of hurting all the time . sorry this is so long I just need to vent. have a blessed day!
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Guest grace50455
Totally understand. When I was going through the worse my husband had had enough and said some mean things to me, until I got rock bottom and he finally saw how sick I was. Men just arent natural nutureres.
I too thought I was definitely dying, but three years later I'm still here. Still suffering (and really bad now with frozen shoulder). We just need to learn how to manage the pain, if you are tired, rest, listen to your body.
Do your best to educate your husband. Mine now says 'remember, it's just hormones screwing with your brain and causing all this'.
grace50455 Guest
thanks, I will , dont get me wrong my husband is very kind and compassionate I guess I just dont want to worry him and I am not very sociable when Im not feeling well, thats why I love this site because I feel like Im speaking to someone who completely understands me. thanks!
kelly55079 grace50455
I feel like this but I chauked it up to kids being home (more work) and then the heat. It seems like I'm dead by 8 pm.. Many celebrations and ppl coming into town, etc.. My head was pounding last sunday which I couldn't take-- my period wasn't due so I thought just with too much going on and then the air pressure I got a lovely headache. My body also has been achy but I'm nursing an injury so I thought with me not moving too much it could be the cause.. Why would my finger and knees hurt when it's my foot that was injured. I started taking Turmeric just to help-- so many reviews on how it helps with this or that so I thought why not.. Hope you feel better!!
charcey97 grace50455
YES! This feeling really does suck! I wake up every morning feeling the exact same way. It makes me feel a bit gloom and doom and wondering how much time I have left. It doesn’t help that I work in hospice for a living. It totally just compounds things. I’ve been trying to make an effort to work on the anxiety and just except each day as a gift, but I have good days and bad days. You are not alone and you are not crazy! It’s definitely nice to have this forum to be able to talk to other women dealing with the same stuff. When I talk to my mother, she had absolutely no problem with perimenopause or menopause… Go figure! Personally I am convinced that my overweight stature is making the inflammatory response from my haywire hormones way worse, which is probably why am feeling all of this yuck! Hang in there! We're all with you!
cindy17746 charcey97
I am not convinced that weight has much to do with it. I am slim, and having many issues. It doesn't seem to discriminate.
sharcerv52408 grace50455
Hi grace,
Have you gone to a doctor yet? It sounds like it could be fibromyalgia pain. It is widespread pain that can be anywhere in the body. Does the pain come and go or is it persistent? It's not good to be incapacitated like that. There natural pain relieving creams with Arnica that I use from Amazon. I can private message you the names because the moderator may not allow me to post it here.
grace50455 sharcerv52408
yes, Ihave and she insists I GO see the Rheumatologist which I cant get in until August. I have thought of finromyalgia but I read that it does not cause inflammation which is why mr DR. says it is RA . I sometimes am afraid it could be canncer or some othwr disease . I also work at a Nursing Home and that gets depressing sometimes. I feel like Im on a rollercoaster
one moment Im fine and the next Im feeling pins and needles in my hips or my back etc.
thanks for the advice I have heard of arnica
do you get that at walmart?
sharcerv52408 grace50455
I'm not sure about Walmart. I usually buy mine at Amazon or Rite Aid.
debra16694 grace50455
Gosh Grace you sound like me!!! i woke up in December with dibilatating leg pain - knee, joint, tendon, muscle - it hasnt let up for 6 months. i really dont have muscle aches anywhere else, but oddly enough, my legs felt better the last two days & now my lower back is hurting a bit - i have had every meno symptom imaginable - i am 7 yrs post & now i am being gifted with the aches & anxiety - i still get the the burning & tingling body parts but not as often - i did test positive for auto immune, & have an appt with Rhematilogist in August - we shall see, but i do believe this is just the lack of estrogen affecting our muscles & nervous system. i have doubled up on a good Onega, take tumeric when really bad (gives me hot flush) & try & take a stress B supplement & a ZEN vitamin when really anxious -
grace50455 debra16694
do your hips hurt when you massage them?
is the pain in your back only lower or do you feel it in spine?
debra16694 grace50455
hi grace - oh, i have had hip pain, but only my left hip - my back pain has been lower back, but i do get burning in my back that feels like it is radiating from my spine -
cindy17746 grace50455
I totally understand how you are feeling. MANY days, I feel like I am dying or going crazy. My husband left me in December, and I honestly blame a lot of our problems on perimenopause. It took all of my focus. I am trying to learn to live with the symptoms. But it's hard. Hang in there. ❤
nancys21 cindy17746
There's no doubt in my mind that this "journey" we're on destroys many marriages!
sharcerv52408 nancys21
Yes I can definitely see how menopause can destroy any relationship. It's hard for people to understand what we're going through and it's frustrating for people on either side, us who are going through this nightmare and for our loved ones who are befuddled by our bizarre feelings, episodes and behaviors. It causes a lot of stress and tension in a relationship. I feel like my husband has never known the real me. Two months after we got married we found out that we were pregnant. So at the very beginning of our marriage I was going through pregnancy hormones. Then right after the baby was born, I started having peri symptoms. My hormones never really settled. Then four years later we had our second child and I went full on into peri symptoms after that pregnancy. I had the worst post partum depression. Our marriage has been 11 years of disagreements, apologies and misunderstandings. I honestly don't know why we are still together.
nancys21 sharcerv52408
Totally relate! We have a lot in common. I had my son the year I turned 33. Had hormone issues since age 22. You must have a very good man, as do I. we've only been together almost 3 years (when all of this was at its worst), but we've known each other since our 20s. The man I was with before that left me after 8 years. I now know that peri had everything to do with that. My current hubby is a Godsend. I'm blessed to have his support. Sounds like you are too. Sometimes I'm glad he wasn't with me at my "best" cuz I know he would wonder what the heck happened to me.