Feeling Terrible Today
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Hi all feeling awful today, came on a period yesterday, really heavy, and I have woken this morning feeling awful, grumpy, weepy, full of anxiety, I have become really paranoid over my feet, they feel like a burning sensation, I went to see cheropediest he say I have plantar faciar (sorry for any misspellings ) so having insoles made, but this morning I went on the Internet and lots of other awful stuff as come up, so I'm sure this is adding to the way I'm feeling, it did also say it can be a sign of Peri. I'm going on holiday at the weekend and the way I'm feeling at the moment I don't feel like going any were. Has any body else suffered with this and is there anything you can take, just scared of taking too many supplements.
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MrsMerm sue976
I know exactly how you feel hun
Unfortunately I don't know how to help though
I often feel like I'm drowning, I have no one to talk to about this...............
Take no notice of me though, BE STRONG
hang on in there please
MM xxx
sue976 MrsMerm
its just up to a year and half ago I was fine, and then boom this horrible anxiety feeling and all the other bad feelings seemed to come over night, all the doctors say is that it's the Peri, I suppose there fed up of seeing me 😂, just not been a great day. Thanks for your reply and you stay strong too. big Hug xx
MrsMerm sue976
I'm not coping, that's for sure
I hope you've got someone to talk to..............................
MM xxx
Trish123 sue976
sue976 Trish123
Trish123 sue976
I would take 2 a day of 1000 or so milligrams. That should help you.
sue976 Trish123
terri52896 sue976
pls dont worry ! and by the way it comes and go`s, just every other sympom, only that every time the symptoms comes around we forget and worry again
best of look ,
sue976 terri52896
thank you so much for that, I am a massive googler and I know that that is one of the big reasons I have anxiety, I promise I won't do it and then I have another symptom and head straight for Google. Thank you for your reply and you do feel better knowing someone else as also had it. I swear this will of sent me totally crazy by the time I have finished, or hopefully it does get easier, I hope the latter. Once again Terri Thank You xx
susan21149 sue976
Hope you feel better take a time out for yourself and relax
sue976 susan21149
i went to bed early last night and woke up feeling a whole lot better today, I suppose it's going to be one day at a time, just feel sorry for my poor hubby, he is the one always in the firing line 😂...
just hope this feeling lasts 😄😄 xx
susan21149 sue976