Feeling weird!!!

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Have any of you ladies had sweating shaking nausea lightheaded and feeling very weak???Its happened to me 3 times in past week...Happened this morn and now im just tired and feel drunk..Very unsteady on feet and feel like im swimming in head...sounds silly but its scary and im trying to work and thats fun....Not...Wish i could go home and sleep...Thanks ladies....

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Laurie I feel like this every day, as soon as I get up out of bed it starts, been having these symptoms for nearly one year, been on 4 different types of HRTs. Came of livial on Monday and started estradot 25 micro grams patch and natural progesterone tablets 1x daily on Tuesday, today the nausea & headache, dizziness is worse

    I'm hoping my bodies just getting used to it but I know how you feel with the balance problem, it's a nightmare

    Hope you can find something that gives you a bit of relief soon

    Take care xx


    • Posted

      Thanks Brenda...Ive been doin pretty good with symptoms but this crap is just crazy...Feel so disconnected and like fainting its scary...Then I get so pissed off by it all and feel like an idiot cause it scares me so much...Just be glad when its over...
    • Posted

      A know what you mean about it being scary Laurie you start to wonder if menopause can cause all of these weird symptoms

      It makes me angry because I like to lead a whole busy life and these symptoms are holding me back and are causing so much distress , I often wonder why some woman get this off balance/dizzy drunk feeling and others don't

      I have a history of ME so I thought that was the reason my symptoms are so severe, I'm just fed up with it all now, iv'e even had to give my job up as a result of all this and they say it's a natural transition in a woman's life

    • Posted

      Sorry hit reply button before I'd finished

      Just wanted to reassure you Laurie and to let you know there's others out there who can relate to you and anytime you feel anxious or scared give us a shout and remember this is a temporary situation


      Brenda xx

    • Posted

      Thank you!!!Yes I clean houses and busy everyday and some days are near impossible to get thru...I am constantly pushing myself which isnt good either I suppose...Im frustrated with all this and feel like a shell of the person I was but try like hell to stay strong..But tears flowing today as I clean...lol Thank you for your reply it always helps to hear from someone that knows how your feeling...Love and hugs..
    • Posted

      You are not alone and yes it's scary it's on a daily basis for me as well grrrr menopause is for the birds I also get the sensitivity in my teeth YAY! What fun
  • Posted

    Yes, all of the above. I get the night sweats all the time, and fuzzy just about every other day. It's all very normal symptoms during peri and menopause.
  • Posted

    Hi laurie boy do i get this i have had this for the last year its horrible, i got on internet to look for answers i found someone that had took starflower oil 1000 off natures best and nanny state non alcahol beer ( for the hops ) every evening and within a few weeks she felt better the balance had got better , she said the hops help to balance hormones and the starflower helps to calm hot flashes ,yes i went to tesco got beer and ordered the starflower oil i have taken half the beer each night and 1 starflower oil it took 1 week and i feel much better, i went with my son for a coffee today with slight anxiety not much but did it yeh! i couldnt do that 2 weeks ago what have you got to loose please try it i did fingers crossed it keeps helping at leased for a while to give me a break from these symptoms ,also keep bachs rescue pastils handy you get them from tesco they are a must , well good luck we all need it take care hope this helps 

             karen x


  • Posted

    Yes i get this, often if I've been busy and not eaten, low blood sugar or sometimes just get it. I find it passes if I sit down for a bit but you do sort of physically remember it all day.
    • Posted

      Forgot to say have you had your B12 tested, low B12 can cause these sort of symptons, you could try a sublingual spray and see if it helps.
  • Posted

    Thank you ladies for your replies...Was a bad day and your reassurance helped as always...Thank god we have each other to cry to!!!!Love and hugs to all....


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