Feeling weird

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Hi I suffer with dizzy spells and loss of balance but when my periods due I get really weird feelings that I can't explain anyone else have these as they can be frightning

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    Yes that can happen.  I have had a few dizzy moments, i get mainly anxiety and lately bad cramping definitly over the past 4 months.  Last period lasted 8 days and only 13 days after the last one.  Im 50 so hoping that they will stop soon!

  • Posted

    Yes loads of weird unexplainable feelings. Just adds to the anxiety im already having. Think my anxiety is causing me breathlessnesssad(
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      Yes i have had that too!  The anxiety makes  your breathing speed up, then you flood your body with too much oxygen which floods the body and makes you feel like you  dont have enough air then you over compensate this by hyperventilating7.  To remedy this you can either blow into a paper bag or go for a vigerous walk to try and slow your breathing.  I have had this, (panic attack) eventually i found reccommended breathing tecniques available on the internet for anxiety it does work.  Its controlled breathing it does work.


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      I have noticed it seems worse after eating????? Ive recently halved my AD mmirtazapine. Dony know if thats why im noticing it moresad(
  • Posted

    Yes I get this too sometimes it just strikes me out of the blue and lasts a matter of seconds. It's very scary as feel I'm going to pass out and fall down in a split second but then it clears....horrible.
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      Thank you so much so glad I'm not the only one thought I was going mad
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    It could be anxieties. I get a lot of anxieties myself this week was bad with the palpitations i was scared and crying i also get cramping feeling even when I am in post menopause. This week has beencry
    • Posted

      Im having a flooding period after three months and ive decreased my Ad mirtazapine. Been on a lower dose now for six weeks. Im so fatigued and convinced myself I cannot breath. Every time I go docs my oxygen is 100 percent my lungs are clear even had heart monitor all clear. Iv cried all day today convinced myself I must be dyingsad( my husband dont know what to do anymore. Been in perimenopause eight years and its just getting worse. Just been given omeprazole for acid reflux but dont think its helping. I look six months pregnant. Sorry about the rant xx
    • Posted

      Oh, Michelle, sorry to to hear you are so down!  You are not dying!! i have done exactly the same thing, i thought i couldnt breath and went to a&e my oxygen was 100% and i felt that they were all thinking mad old bat!! i was breaking down and doctors, who didnt really help just gave me 20 Diazepam which masks it really - and highly addictive - but hey been going through this off and on really for the past 10 years, has got much worse, a i have always suffered really bad PMS, has afftected me a lot worse recently.  I have had to really try and stop myself flying off the handle and overacting to stuff.  Like i have said i have been taking Agnus Castus, Vitaboitics all he vit B's and magneisium, and i dont know if im imagining it but i feel better for it, i should be due on, so should be highly emotional right now, but feel strangely calm, so dont know if its what i have been taking or not.  I can reccommend Mindfullness, my friend said it is brilliant, maybe talking therepy to talk out your worries, it might then put things into perspective and stop you going down the panic path of thinking something is wrong.  Sometimes when we are alone with our thoughts especially all going through this menopause, then thoughts can go out of control.  Tell yourself that you can get through this, all of us are dealing with the jamboree bag of crap, with various ailments, I had intense anxiety 4 weeks ago. So muh so my blood pressure shot up, so had to wear one of those really annoying 24 hour monitors, which actually made i worse.  To give you an example of my anxiety and me over thinking things, i had an eye infection that would not go away, had it for about 3 weeks.  Went to my GP had antibiotics and drops and other stuff which wasnt getting rid of it!! i then convinced myself I was going blind!  I woke up in the middle of the night couldnt see the red standby light on the TV(something had obscured it) and i was thinking my god iv gone blind!!!! silly irrational thinking caused by yes HORMONES!!!!!  ordinarily im quite a level headed person and would never fuss and worry about that.  But being peri/menopausal, post menopausal it can do this to you.  I think that for me finding this site has helped me no end.  Im am just trying to deal with it, harder said then done.  As when you are in the grip of anxiety, that fear feeling its awful!!!!
    • Posted

      Thank you so much you know exactly how im feeling. I never suffered like this until perimenopause. Ive had fivechildren soon to be a nan worked full time and run a house. But never experienced anything like this. Hormones are creating havoc!!!!! I will defo look into the mindfulness training ive heard it mentioned a lot on these forums.

      Thank you again and God bless. I pray you get some relief soon xx

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle

      I just found this and thought you might find it interesting:-

      PhytoEstrogens (Plant Estrogens)

      Check this out just read a whole section of this very very helpful. Natural Plant Estrognens provan to combat menopausal symptoms.

      Niki x

      Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the link as it was to a site unsuitable for inclusion in the forums. If users want this information please use the Private Message service to request the details.


    • Posted

      Michelle, No need to ever apologize for rant-- that's why everyone's here-- to "listen" and support one another. The things women go through are scary and we're usually not informed about what to expect. I've NEVER been told of the many possible symptoms, sometimes debilitating, that can accompany peri-menopause, nevermind menopause itself! What is wrong with this picture?! Why are we not educated? This should all be common knowledge, but it's so hush hush--- women suffer in silence for the most part, it seems. Regarding your comment that you convinced yourself you must be dying-- I've read that this TOO is common-- that symptoms can make us feel like we are "going crazy" and/or dying, literally. But, it isn't so..........Has your dr suggested antidepressants (and often it takes trying more than one medication to find one that works for you)? My heart goes out to you. I'm scared myself because of my brand new symptoms. I guess we all need to continue to support one another on here. Take care of yourself, Michelle.
    • Posted

      Thank you sooo much for your kind words. I am on mirtazapine which is an AD but to be honest im weaning off. Gone from 30mg to 15mg due to weight gain. Om thinking ive taken a dip due to this. I dont know wether to go bck up pr not. I just cant deal with the weight gain and I felt they were making my gerd worse but not really sure if its them or not. Thanks again xx
  • Posted

    Hi Donna, yep i know exactly what you mean, in fact i am going through this right now!! I have had two periods just 10wks apart and now i feel wobbly, breathless and have a strange heady feeling. I have had lots of panic attacks in the past and they are scary, with the way i feel at the moment, it is almost like a very mild version of a full blown one. I do deep breathing and meditation to try and calm these feelings and it helps but still haven't found anything that takes the bloating away that always comes when i am like this. Take care and try not to panic as it just makes the loss of breath worse, easier said than done i know!!!!! stay wonderful, love and light to you xxx

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