Feeling worse in the evenings/nights

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Hello ladies!

Writing after a long time. Hope you all are doing better. Could you please share your experiences and any tips so that I don't go mad thinking I am going crazy or going to die soon.

  1. I am having this strange tightness / pain kind of feeling in left armpit, breast (closer to armpit) and middle of breast, more so during the evening times and night times. At night the pain seem to go around even to left shoulder blade making it difficult to find a good sleeping position. Anxiety of this left side pain is making any sleep difficult to come by 😦
  2. Feel warm, but have no fever. It is not full blown hot flush, but still feel warm. I have started opening the freezer door to get some respite LOL!
  3. Odd feeling in stomach - its not tummy ache, but definitely the stomach is upset with no other issue
  4. And of course the worse of all - insomnia with my head doing extra duty in reminding me that something is wrong and I should be anxious

If you recognize any of these symptoms, could you please let me know so that I know its not only me, and I am not going crazy.

Thank you all! Hang in there...

3 likes, 12 replies

12 Replies

  • Edited

    I have the same symptoms as you are describing. So i hear you. Anxiety, stomach issues, left arm pains, hot flashes, headaches, high blood pressure, this perimenopause its making me feel miserable. Try to get lots of rest when u can.

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      I understand how you're feeling my anxiety is bad I feel my head heavy feeling like I'm losing my balance hot flushes feeling of doom and gloom been in menopause for ever they say it lasts 10 years I think it's a lie

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      Its been 7yrs of misery for me. No sign of it going away. Lately my worse symptoms is the anxiety and its leading to loss of weight as i am not at peace. Always anxious especially in the evenings its worse.

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      I've got that same heavy head feeling at least two weeks of every month. Feel lightheaded and woozy. I've had every blood test imaginable and they have all come back completely normal. I drink a ton of water so I know it isn't dehydration. I actually feel better the days I have my period.

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      me too kmazz...i always feel better once my period starts.

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    omg i have just experienced the armpit breast thing in last few nights and i too only have it at night, was wondering what it is, kind of feels like a pulled muscle with dull ache.

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      Yes, same for me. Its strange kind of "pain". Its not directly painful, but does not feel normal either. Kind of pulled muscle, yes.

      I did have a fall a few years back and hurt my ribs - again nothing that needed a doctors visit, but I had difficulty in taking deep breaths and laughing for a few days after the fall. I have felt pain and strange tightness from time to time in upper chest and Dr. Google says it could be due to an old injury and/or Costochondritis - an inflammatory response.

      But again, the left side pain - especially in breast area and upper chest seem to be another of menopause symptom, so I am thinking, why not? The menopause gods have put everything else in the pot anyway, so what's one more symptom / pain?

      I for one am royally TIRED of this!

      Hope we have the strength to bear this....

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    same symptoms and then some. your definitely not alone. I dont know how i will make it out of bed some days. its all very overwhelming. i feel like i spend my days praying for a good one.

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    hi. are you still in peri?

    i have had the left arm pit and breast and shoulder blade pain before. it finally settled down and i take vitamin e. can you describe your tummy issues? i've been dealing with some stomach issues as well. I'm wondering if it is related to all this meno stuff

    • Edited

      Yes I'm still in peri...or rather, come January 25th, I will formally be in menopause. Hope not to have another bleed before then!

      My tummy issues that come and go mainly are like unsettled stomach with pain, fullness near the belly button and around that area. Its not tummy ache, but feels unsettled.

      I have read that all this is meno / peri related! Sometimes feel TIRED of all the various symptoms and issues!

    • Posted

      thank you for the reply. This stomach stuff is not fun

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