Feelings of Anger and Rage
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Recently, I am experiencing extreme irritation and anger over absolutely nothing! Even hearing my boyfriend eat his breakfast can fill me with anger. I know that this is absolutely ridiculous, but I can't seem to stop these feelings. It feels totally biological. Then, seconds later, I can feel peace cascade through me, and I feel absolutely fine. I can go from wanting to break furniture to happily puttering around without a care in the world, with almost no time elapsing between these mood states. It is super difficult to deal with!
I just try to breathe through these times, or I go and work in the garden to be with myself, so that I don't end up saying anything to upset the people that I love the most.
Can anyone else relate?
5 likes, 6 replies
pam90720 bev27429
yes maam! i can relate!!! thats how i was today!!!! (and a lot of time) i hate it 😦
stupid menopause 😦
debra16694 bev27429
You betcha! Hearing my 19 year old cat meow was enough to make me go Postal - the irritability thing seems to get less as time goes on, but it really is a symptom -
cindy_45475 bev27429
I can most certainly relate... I actually got to a point where I wanted to physically hurt my husband for eating crisps and scraping his feet along the floor bless him.
I looked at my family ( who I love dearly) and felt that I was just being used; that I was totally invisible to them. I felt that I needed to get away from all of them (absolutely totally irrational ). I am more or less through this stage now but it was scary. I wander how many marriages break up at this stage due to bloody hormones??
I also exercise, do yoga concentrate on my breathing etc. I am very conscious of my diet and I take supplements. I am hoping to avoid HRT and try and get through as naturally as possible.
RACHAEL2411 bev27429
Hi! Yes I can totally relate to everything you have saidðŸ˜ðŸ˜ it's quite scary - well bloody terrifying really how bad it can get, and how quickly... I began to think I was loosing it again. But I keep coming back to this site for support. So was nice to see I'm not alone...hope you feel better soon, stay strong... X
debi62095 bev27429
yes terrible anger either at hubbi or elderly mum in law who sppears a dear little old lady ,but i see her as a pathetic person with everyone running round after her i could shake her and hubbi.
nikiola18292 bev27429
Hi Bev,
In answer to your last question, yes, yes and yes to that. If feel the same...well, the anger if I could channel that i could launch myself in to space i think. Horrible, i hate it and it comes and goes the same.
Its all part of it....and can totally relate to the irritation re boyfriend eating noises. I seem to hear my husband swallowing in a very exaggerated fashion at times and you get the arm hair bristling ping of irritation!!
I am 54 and still getting regular periods and have been peri since 47, as it seems no end in sight, symptoms vary from day to day to the point where i am actually considering going back to GP to talk about HRT.
Hang in there, we are all going through it. I try to look at the funny side of it when i can, do find that exercise helps and if i feel particularly angry (about nothing) usually, i take myself off somewhere, or read a book, does help.