Feels like I have a bad virus

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So I have kept posting on here this week , as it hasnt been a good one for me . Still feel as rough as anything . I feel like I have a mixture of flu and a stomach virus . Bad head , throat , nose , keep getting so hot then feel chilly within seconds , bad stomach and nausea , loss of appetite and generally rough . I went to my doctors yesterday and Im having blood tests in a couple if weeks to check my iron . I just dont know what to do with myself anymore . Just when I think I am improving I end up feeling ten times worse . My periods lately have been every 3 weeks and heavy . It seems no sooner have I finished im back to starting again . Does anybody else ever feel rough like this ? I am 52

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7 Replies

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    I was very ill my entire 51st year (also when my cycles started changing), so much so I thought I wouldn't be here. I'm 54 now, three years of never feeling well, but not as bad as that first year. It's very rough for sure. Maybe ask to be tested for reactivated EBV when you are being tested for everything else.

    It's kind of like malaria. Just when you think you are over it it will flare again. I guess it's the remaining hormones we have left going up and down. Sometimes I think taking hrt is the answer, but then I see others say they still have symptoms even being on it. And how it can cause other things. I just don't know. Can't imagine living the rest of my life with the constant aches and pains, feeling sick, etc..

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    ive been there... ive said those exact same words verbatum . i kept a journal of everything... nobody in my family could understand.... very very rough time for me....

    hang in there, it gets better ❤❤ i can even send you a screen shot of what i wrote... ❤

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      yes maam i sure will.. ill try and send them via private message

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    This was me a couple of weeks ago. I felt like I had a mix between a cold and the flu. It came on suddenly and I had the aches too. It lasted for a little over a week and then just like that I started feeling better. But what I am learning about our hormones is that a lot of our symptoms stem from our gut flora being off. I'm looking into some products online that are herbal based will help with restoring your stomach. I'm so tired of all these digestive issues. They didn't start until peri.

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    Hi Jane,

    You are not alone. I hate that you're having it so rough at the moment.

    Same for me this week...I had the mother of all night sweats 3 days ago (first time I've had to change clothes in the middle of the night... yay me?).

    Ever since, my gut has either been racing or completely stopped. Nauseous at random times. Can't stomach food beyond soup and crackers. Feel fevered but no temp registers. Or feel chilled. Achey muscles and skin. Foggy/dizzy head. Overheat at random intervals. I have not ventured far from the bathroom this week.

    I don't think it's a coincidence that I should have started my period that day, but didn't. Still waiting.

    My sister had good luck with the BRAT diet when she was at her worst... stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Basically very bland and high in electrolytes, low in fat, easy on a healing tummy. I'm shopping this evening (assuming I can stay out of the bathroom long enough). 😒

    I hope tomorrow is the day you feel better.

    Here if you need a rant.


  • Posted

    I hope you feel better soon. I developed allergies or an over sensitivity to everything in perimenopause, which unfortunately for me started at age 40.

    Maybe you have something similar because I am a wreck right now and the same happened last year at this exact time. I think it's the season changing to autumn .

    The last few weeks I have head pressure, sinus congestion, itchy eyes, itchy skin, massive hair shedding, dry eczema type patches, sore throat, diarrhea, etc. I expect the same to happen in January as it turns to Winter.

    I think we are very in tune with our environment during this transition, too much so.

    Hopefully it passes for you soon!

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