Feels like my shoulder separates

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Oh my gosh ladies please tell me if any of you experience a feeling like this my shoulder is separating from the bone aches so bad. Cant lift over my shoulder to much pain feels like someone is yanking on it my word i try to ice n heat it helps its just so sore any sugestion ladies feels like im falling apart i try to get comfortable but it just cause aches some where else on my body grrrr also chest aches when i try to lay to keep the pressure off my arm

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    I can't stop mine hurting either Monique, reaching to the side or up makes it hurt and keeps waking me up, I tried having my arm up above my head last night and now I've got a neck ache as well.

    The only position that seems comfortable is flat on my back and it's not a position I'm used to.

    I've been having a head ache so taking paracetamol before bed but it doesn't help much with my shoulder. The right one is starting to play up now as well. Going at this rate I will have to get help to get dressed, doing my bra up is becoming a problem and tried doing it up then spinning it round and that way just as painful.

    I don't know what to do with it, thinking about a chiropractic?

  • Posted

    Oh my god, like almost every day now. Some days it's so bad I have to take a pain killer for it and go to bed. It's been doing it all flipping day, now my neck is starting up to. Oh please give us some relief. Hang in there
  • Posted

    Hi Monique,

    I know that feeling only too well! Had trouble with my right shoulder for a year now (I dislocated it a few years ago, which doesn't help). A couple of weeks ago I slipped on some rocks and jarred my left shoulder, now they are BOTH playing up.

    I was refered to an NHS Physio, but had to wait six months to see him. So I dipped into my savings and saw a private one. She was brilliant and helped a lot. But it is still short-term relief. 

    I was on HRT and it did make a big difference to the joint pain (I feel like all my old 'war wounds' have come back to haunt me

  • Posted

    ....and now this dxxn iPad has frozen again. 

    Vit D, magnesium and linseed have almost stopped the hot flushes but nothing seems to work for the joint pain. I may end up back on HRT and take my chances, if only to get a good night's sleep!

    Why is it, when so many of us are suffering like this, that nothing is done about it? It affects SO much of our lives.cry

    • Posted

      Hi can I ask the amount u take of vit d magnesium and also is the linseed the powder u put over food and how much and how often. My hot flushes r increasing and can't take sage cos on BP tablets thank you
    • Posted

      I didn't realise Sage affected BP meds - might explain why they didn't work for me.confused

      I take 1,000iu Vit D3 Tabs and Magnesium with Vit B6. I make no-knead spelt bread with linseed and sunflower seed - dead easy and yummy. I also eat linseeds with homemade museli. I have not tried the powder.

    • Posted

      Thanks for ur reply. Yes they gave me anxiety which I didn't realise till 'd forgot to take a cple of days and anxiety had subsided. It seems they interact with the medication in som way 😯
    • Posted

      I'm taking vit d. But mistakenly ordered vit d with k3 today. Do u know if that's better than just vit d. I don't know if I can change it and it cost me £24. I had been to see an acupuncturist up until January for about 6 mnth to get balanced out. She was good but basically couldn't afford to keep it up. It was her that put me on the vit b complex, vit d, sea buckthorn berry oil and fish oil. I'm trying to do the natural route but costing a fortune! And still ended up having a crap tearful day!
    • Posted

      K3? I didn't know there was a K3! I have heard recently that if you are taking Vit D, especially in large doses, that you need K2 to help get calcium to your bones. Without it, Vit D does it's job of 'collecting' calcium, but deposits it in places that it shouldn't be, such as your arteries.

      I think they are only just begining to understand the important role of a not too common vitamin. In short, I think you did well to get the two together.biggrin

    • Posted

      K2 is not very common, hence the price. Vit D on it's own is pennies by comparrison. You did well to get it

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