Posted , 3 users are following.
Anyone one else get swollen ankle this is a new symptom for me been doctors and had some test done
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Posted , 3 users are following.
Anyone one else get swollen ankle this is a new symptom for me been doctors and had some test done
1 like, 4 replies
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debra16694 Maud12345
katyD211 Maud12345
Hi Maud....my situation is similar to Debra's response. I was put on BP mess and noticed swelling in 1 ankle about a year later....right when peri began. Got checked out- no heart issues or anything. it would come and go, mostly swell right before period would start. Then i developed plantar fasciitis in one heel. Then tore the perineal tendon on the other foot-
all within like 4 years! Now I'm still peri but winding down....swelling happens a whole lot less. When I am good and do my workouts and walking it doesn't happen at all. I do notice it when the weather is hot and humid. Male primary doctor says its age, female gyno says its menopause and hormonal dips.
katyD211 Maud12345
jacqueline59683 Maud12345
I'm on BP meds but when I sit for long periods my left ankle swells. When I go on flights my left ankle swells more than the right, so I googled and the fact that one ankle swells more than the other was of concern. So I mentioned to my cardiologist who did an doppler ultrasound of my legs. The results were no thrombosis were found and there was blood flow...so really no explanation.