Fellow menopause sufferers

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hi.i had my last period 4 years ago so am well into the menopause.For the last 3 weeks I have had a numbing sensation to the touch on my face.it also has a feeling like an allergic reaction but looks and moves normal.Also my leg muscle tighten like a cramp but no pain just uncomfortable.i have had my bloods taken and they all come back normal so I'm asking you lovely ladies any suggestions please.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Numbing of any body part calls for concern. Are you a diabetic? What is your family history with this similar condition? Without a proper diagnosis and history of your health, one cannot say, "it will pass." It could be anything from a pinched nerve to Myasthenias gravas to Multiple sclerosis or even Lou Garret's disease. I suggest you check with a neurologist or orthopedic doctor to see what is causing this. Good luck. 

  • Posted

    many many different things can cause this, I had Lyme 11 years ago and have allot of these types of after affects, Epstein Barr virus which I had with the Lyme can also do this, pinched nerves in the neck and back can also do this type of thing. Talk with your Dr. and see what he or she thinks, have you been bit by a tick?
  • Posted

    I agree with the others. It sounds unrelated to the menopause and it may be dangerous to do so. It sound like some nerve thing and you need to get it properly diagnosed.

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