Ferritin Levels
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I’m just wondering whether my symptoms of tiredness and dizziness are anything to do with low iron. I’ve been anaemic on and off since my 20’s as I have heavy periods. My last blood tests show that my Hg level was normal (therefore not anaemic) but my ferritin was at 25. The ‘normal’ range for ferritin in 12-150 for a woman. So I am deemed ‘normal’. A few doctors have suggested over the years I should get my levels to about 50.
Does anyone else have low ferritin and did your symptoms improve when you increased your ferritin levels?
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dora_39625 al37045
Hi Al...
I've had low ferritin levels in past but mine caused hair loss.
I'm currently experiencing same symptoms so trying to raise ferritin levels.
A trichologist discovered my low levels few years back but as you say doctors don't deem it low. They are low enough to cause hair loss etc..
Hope your symptoms improve soon x
al37045 dora_39625
Guest al37045
al37045 Guest
Interesting. I’ve never heard of iron supplements effecting cholesterol. I’ve been taking iron on and off for 20 years, and my cholesterol has always been good.
I also get a full blood count, liver function, cholesterol, kidney function etc etc..Before I start taking iron just to make sure I’m not going to do any damage. The dr’s always tell me “ you will never take too much iron”....probably because the realise my readings are actually low and I’m never going to reach the high end of that ‘normal’ range.
tina00239 al37045
brendababy tina00239
Thank you xx
tina00239 brendababy
kelly55079 al37045
I've been anemic on and off also. I now buy a good quality iron vitamin and take one about 3 times a week just as a precaution. I also take Vid D, coq10, fish oil and a few others. My tiredness comes and goes.. I just do what I can.