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Hi , I ended up having premature menopause in 2012 aged 25 as a result of treatment for cancer. The thought of not being able to have my own child never bothered me until recently , when I now find myself resenting people including family and friends who don't appreciate how fortunate they are being able to have their own child . I can't help but feel robbed and as though I'm being punished . I just wondered if there was anyone else who feels this way or has felt this way and what do you do/ have you done about it?
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beth86610 Sarah1502
New Scientist online
read this article.
"Menopause reversal restores periods and producs fertile eggs".
I think there are some who do it in the USA.
jamie53221 Sarah1502
Sarah1502 jamie53221
maisie05 Sarah1502
Talk about your feelings with your closest friend or family. It will help you to get it off your chest. If you can't do that, talk to us! If you are angry, sad, say it out loud. Then you will be able to deal with it and move forward. Make plans, enquiries,. If all else fails, make sure you are available to be the best Godparent ever! Lots of love and hugs x
Sarah1502 maisie05
helen64949 Sarah1502