Finding it hard to catch my breath
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Has anyone experienced a feeling that you cant take a full breath? It feels like I cant fill my lungs properly especially when I'm in bed and its frightening the life out if me.
I've been having stinging and soreness across my chest for months, my Dr says its acid reflux but medication for it hasn't worked.
Over the last few months I've felt probably the worst ive ever felt. I cry pretty much every day, I'm tired, my skin is a mess, I ache, I'm lightheaded and dizzy, I feel sick, I'm short tempered and my periods seem to be coming about every two and a half weeks.
I work full time, care for my elderly mother who is in poor health. My relationship with my partner is suffering and the thought of losing that breaks my heart. My mum keeps getting upset and saying she's a burden which makes me feel awful and on top of all this ive convinced myself that there is something seriously wrong with me.
Sorry for the rant đ˘
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mumm9265 lisa215
bobbysgirl lisa215
Breathing problems and the soreness you describe are not on my list of miseries, they sound awful. But I ache all over, sometimes feel light-headed and very short-tempered.
I'm the same as you with regards to my mum. It doesn't help (in my case) that she is a 'glass half-empty' type of person, always looking on the bad side - it wears me down. Comments like 'you be better off without me' don't help!
My OH is quite understanding - he has health problems of his own (we are a right pair) But it does mean that we sometimes live separate lives, wrapped up in our own miseries.
Get back to your doctor and tell him you want tests to get to the bottom of your problems. Even if it IS acid reflux, the medication is not doing it's job and you need it sorting. Who cares for the carers?
lisa215 bobbysgirl
My mum is a bit gloomy at times but she's the gentlest, most caring woman I've ever know and when I feel rotten and get a bit snappy with her it makes me feel terrible.
I am scheduled for a cardiac assessment this week and I've already had an ecg done by my GP and had a chest xray, both of which were ok but I've not been offered any blood tests. The GP wants me to have an endoscopy if the pain continues but just the thought of that terrified me.
It all feels such a mess. Thank you for listening.
lesley61388 lisa215
like yourself I get breathless and pains in my chest and I ache all over I have Been to the doctors (although not very helpful) I had a cardiac assessment and have to have a angina test done with a dye and ct scan but to put my mind at rest they said they would contact me within 4 weeks I have had the letter but not appointment so I'm thinking if it was that serious then they would have rushed it through!
however sometimes when I get a achy chest and tingling in my arms and other symptoms (which I won't bore you with) then I can't help but worry!
hope all gets sortedÂ
L x
lisa215 lesley61388
Its awful to feel so unwell all the time isn't it?
If this is all menopause related I really don't understand why our Drs aren't hearing what we are telling them. I've brought the subject up so many times with my Dr but he dismisses it every time. I really want to change Drs but I live in a very rural community and the next closest gp practice is miles away.
I hope all goes well with you too and good luck with the heart tests. X
bobbysgirl lesley61388
Like you they said they'd be in touch in a certain time. When we heard nothing, he 'phoned them. With all the cutbacks in the NHS he had slipped down the list. It is true the squeaky wheel gets the oil. So start squeaking and get yourself seen!
trudy77450 lisa215
I had an endoscopy but when the dr spoke to me he said, you look a very stressful person ,i said yes very i stress over everything.He put me out for endoscopy so never felt a thing when i came round i was fine and went home.The outcome off the test was he reccomended something to chill me out.I didn't want this so plodded on.I thought to myself this is sink or swim.I did breathing,changed my way of thinking,that this will pass its all because of hormomes and i have been alot better.I no its easy for people to say this but its the only way forward and believe me i could riight a book on what ive been through,im now post meno and still go through the odd thing.Please think to yourself,i can do this and i will.If anyone or anything starts to upset you,walk away from the situation take deep breaths and tell yourself i can do it .I hope this
lisa215 trudy77450
My daughter is always telling me I worry too much and she thinks my problems are stress related too.
Its nice to know that someone has felt the same and come out the other side.
Can I ask what symptoms you had to prompt them to do the endoscopy?
trudy77450 lisa215
susan21149 lisa215
I am on a c-pap maching for sleep apnea and there are times if I can't get a full breath i get really jumpy and nervous there are times am i breathing right on my machine.Â
Like on Wednesday night after taking that second HRT I was feeling like I couldn't breath and it made me jumpy all night have not had that episode since I have not taken the HRT but I have had those episodes with other medications while on my c-pap machine just feelings that i can't breath or my breathing has stopped it is scaryÂ
I suffer from acid reflux myself and i use to be on famotidine for a long time then it started to cause me stomach problemsÂ
You may just be going into peri menopause, are you on any HRTs to help you. There are side effects to that too. If you are that could be changing your moodsÂ
maybe you need to go on an SSRI for depression and anxieties.
Just hang in there everything will be fine even though right now it may seem to be the end of the world for us ladies but its notÂ
We ladies need to learn to cope with our emotions a little better and we need copping skills. We can not let peri menopause or menopause control our emotions and I think this is what we are doing we are letting our hormones control how we feel we need to get our heads on straight and work with our minds not our emotions easy said than done because I let my emotions take effect over me instead of my wise mindÂ
lisa215 susan21149
You are so right that we do let our hormones control our emotions and it is a totally overwhelming feeling.
I get stuck in a rut with my anxieties, I let them run riot and before I know where I am in in a right state. I'm seriously considering anti depressants for a little while because there seems to be so much going on at the moment and I am finding it hard to cope.
I'm not on any form of hrt because my Dr doesn't think I'm peri menopausal (he thinks at 45 I'm too young! And in his opinion the peri menopause isn't really a medical issue! His words, not mine I must add!!).
I sympathise with you regarding the sleep apnea. My brother suffers from this and he too uses a c-pap machine.
I wish you well Susan. Xx
susan21149 lisa215
I just pray that its not my heart that its just anxieties and a broken heart because of how sad I am right now
lisa215 susan21149
I hope all works out ok for you xx
susan21149 lisa215
pinkcatfairy lisa215