Fine wine and menopause
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I love a good Rose' like anyone else every now and then and the first cold sip takes the edge off! Now that I'm in menopause I can't drink it because two days later I feel sick, nauseas, horrible. And that's for one or two glasses. HELP! Anyone else have to give up their one favorite poison pleasure? Can this passage get any worse?????
HAPPY SUMMER LADIES. Sincerely, Sad Girl
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HC88 jamie53221
me, me,me! SO frustrating, after just two glasses I sleep badly, get soooo hot in the night and feel a bit jaded the next day, I SO miss a good old drunken Saturday night but its not worth it anymore. Only thing that helps is loads of water and tons of food if Im drinking more but this just adds to my already increasing waistline! My poison is red wine.
Klp77 jamie53221
Yep. Used to drink prosecco and white wine - now a single glass makes me feel rough. Sticking now to the lower alcohol lagers or vodka with lime and soda. Doesn't have quite the same pleasure in it but at least it doesn't feel like I'm completely missing out.
jamie53221 Klp77
I'm gonna try vodka, lime and soda and TOAST to you❤
julie95633 jamie53221
i was the same gave up the wine last year as it wasnt agreeing with me and causing anxiety if i do have a drink its vodka and slimline tonic
Guest jamie53221
I gave up alcohol 5 years ago when i first started perimenopause. It began to upset my stomach terribly- felt burning and nausea from it Also exacerbated my migraines which have gotten worse and more frequent in peri and now even meno
AJacynM jamie53221
Yep! Me too!
I can't have one glass in an evening without feeling dreadful the next day... not fair as before all this I could drink a few glasses and be fine!
G&T doesn't ususlly affect me as badly but last night i had two G&T's watching the Eurovision Song Contest and today I've felt bad all day... or is that down to watching Eurovision, and nothing to do with drink, as the UK came last!! 😉
Seriously though, I wish i could just have a glass of my fave tipple without repercussions! 😦
It's SO hard to say goodbye. Tears, tears. But you Ladies are awesome! Until i read your posts, I thought it was just me. Jamie
Belinda1971 jamie53221
I love wine but noticed about 2 years ago that every time I had more than a glass I would wake up during the night with pulsating skin, extreme heat and rapid heavy heartbeat. I had no idea what was going on but it happens every time I drink wine. I started to realise its peri after changing my meds and running to my doctor over it. The rapid and heavy heartbeat was awful and very scary. It doesnt happen if I drink any other alcohol, just wine.