First period in 16 years
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Hi. I'm 49 and hadn't had a period for 16 years. When I got a new doctor, I mentioned this to her (my former doctor was never concerned). My doctor ordered tests, which showed I was not in menopause. So I was then sent for a trans-vaginal ultrasound, which showed a thickened endometrial strip (17mm). I was referred to an OB/GYN at that point, and she scheduled me for a D&C, hysteroscopy, and biopsy. At my follow up, she told me the samples were pre-cancerous and recommended a hysterectomy. I decided against that. Instead, I will need to have a biopsy every six months for the next two years. In the meantime, she put me on birth control to force my periods to occur.
I have been on the medication for two months, and my period started three days ago. It is extremely painful. I rarely had cramps with my periods, and they were always pretty heavy. The cramps I'm feeling with this feels like I am in labor. I have had five kids, so I'm not exaggerating the pain level. I have taken different pain meds, showered with hot water, and more to reduce the pain. Nothing works. The pain wakes me up and keeps me from doing things. While my periods were heavy before, it was nothing compared to now.
Do any of you have any ideas on what's going on? Better yet, do any of you have advice for how to get through this period from hell?
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karen60759 kristan77569
kristan77569 karen60759
Hi, Karen. My primary care physician and the OB/GYN said it's bad to not have a period when I'm not in menopause, because all of that lining will build up in my uterus. That's why they found pre-cancerous cells, because the lining had been building up for 16 years.
tricia51298 kristan77569
I feel for your pain and heavy periods. Try 4 Advil at a time. A heating pad and oddly even though it hurts to do keep moving especially bending over it helps ease the cramping
Best wishes
kristan77569 tricia51298
Hi, Tricia.
I did a lot of research on hysterectomies. The majority of them are not needed. A woman who has a hysterectomy has an increased risk of depression. I'm in disability because of the depression I already have. I don't want to make it worse and ruin my chances of recovering. A hysterectomy also means a greater risk of heart disease and other illnesses. A hysterectomy also leaves a void in the body, so there is less internal support for the spine. There are many other ways to deal with pre-cancerous and cancerous cells that don't require a hysterectomy, and surgery should also be the last resort.
stef513 kristan77569
Hi Kristan, I feel for you. Not having a period for 16 years is a super long time. I'm 35 and haven't had a period for 9 months. My lining is also 17mm. The uterine biopsy was inconclusive, so I have to get a d&c next month. I agree with you about the hysterectomy, the cons outway the pros I think. It definitely would be last resort for me. I would definitely go back to your doc about your pain issues. I hope it gets better for you.
kristan77569 stef513
Thank you. I hope your D&C goes well and you don't have cancer. It's nice to meet someone else who agrees with me about a hysterectomy being a measure of last resort.