Flatulence - REALLY?!?!?

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Seriously - does anyone else suffer with sudden and unexplained flatulence?! I know it's a "not talked about" topic but I would love to know if anyone else goes through this and what remedy may be available. The flatulance is often accompanied by its best friend - increased belching - sorry 😂 😩

Oh, and I would just like to say:


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    I am just at the starting block 3 month period free and I have wind from both ends yes and bloating

    Terrible when I have eaten lots of different veg. I can’t eat onion at all now this makes me bloated to the point of severe pain. 

    What I have read is it’s trial and as to what does and doesn’t effect you. I have tried wind eve tablets don’t work

  • Posted

    yes.. i had it really bad when my last bout of symptoms started.  It would come and go with the fluctuating hormones. Terrible bloating also.. looked like i was 6 months pregnant. It has settled down now but still get it from time to time . Just dink plenty of water and avoid spicy foods etc.  Peppermint capsules help just make sure to take them with food
  • Posted

    Yes its horrendous. My periods have stopped and all my other symptoms seem to have stopped too but the gas is unbelievable. Every time I think i'v figured out what foods are causing it it just starts again. I take digestive enzymes twice a day and thought they helped but now I don't think they help either. Just read about the peppermint capsules so I might try them. When I'm home I drink as much water as I can plus green tea with dandelion which does seem to help with the bloating.


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    Oh yeah. Flatulence is high on the list of menopause symptoms. I went to my doctor for my physical and he was listening to my stomach and he said "gassy much Juanita"? We both laughed. Mine comes and goes. I can go months with no gas and then months where I'm gassy all the time. I try not to hold it in at work, because of course I can "let her rip" at home.. Sometimes when I think I have to make a BM, I sit on the toilet and it's just a bunch of gas that is released. Sometimes, I have to let go of tiny silent ones at my desk and hope they're not the "silent but deadly ones" redface I take beano before I eat, and I have just some Equate(Walmart brand)gas prevention capsules I take. With the beano you have to take it before you eat the gassy food. With the little capsules you can take those anytime you start have gas symptoms. Gas-X also works for me. My mother used to say "there's more room out than there is in". In other words fart, fart, fart!!! No it's not lady like but at this point in our lives we need to do what it takes to feel better!


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      Been living with my boyfriend for 18 months and only recently let one go in front of him. He laughed hysterically and now wants to have farting competitions with me. Wtf

      What is it with men?? Lol.

    • Posted

      biggrin Men love to  fart!!! I say go with it!!! It beats holding it in trying to be ladylike!  Lol!!!

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