Floating and Falling

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I wish I could just have one good day a week where I didn't have this floating and falling feeling all the freakin time...

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    The feeling you are getting is it like a faint feeling , if so thats exactly how i feel , i dont get it every day but its so worrying .

    • Posted

      In a way yes.. I often feel like I might faint but I never have.. I'm just really afraid to drive or to go anywhere by myself because I'm afraid I will.

    • Posted

      seemingly when estrogen drops alot of women can suffer these symptoms just a few of many things like i have suffered, anxiety and panic attacks being the worst , burning in your stomach , aches and pains all over. this forum does help

  • Posted

    This feeling is a symptom of anxiety brought on by our crazy fluctuating hormones. Try to sit down and relax by doing some deep breathing to see if this feeling subsides

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    I normally do..but I was in a parking lot this time. Not sitting down there but did just sit there when I got to my car for a bit. It's odd though. I don't feel anxious at all.

  • Posted

    Hi jready, I hear you...been having that feeling for over a year now. off balanced, weird vision, poor night vision, like I am walking on sponges and my head isn't my own. when I force myself to drive, it sucks because when the car stops, I still feel in motion. As a passenger, I get motion sickness. mine is because of my migraines courtesy of peri. Just upped my meds for prevention last night. Tried to do a photo book on line and a migraine sprung up....ready to topple over. Going back to dr for balance testing to rule out inner ear nerve damage. If I pass the testing, then I have vestibular migraine. When I saw the otoneurologist...he said he sees it often in peri women...hormone fluctuations...silent migraines, etc. Supposedly, it calms in menopause. By far my worst and most lingering problem.

    • Posted

      well..I'm post meno..and it isn't calm

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      how soon after meno did the floaty feelings come on...or did you had them in peri too? This is misery.

  • Posted

    i so hear ya!!! i feel like when i walk im going to go face first in the ground

  • Posted

    I'm exactly like you, but feel it more often when i've been standing a while. i dread meeting anyone i know as they'll want to stop and chat and i just feel i will fall forward and either faint or head but them, it makes me so anxious.

    sometimes when i'm in my kitchen preparing a meal or washing up i feel i'm walking on marshmallows or the floor is moving, its all very weird.

    i wondered was this related to anxiety but this can happen to me at home when i'm happily doing something nice.

    i know how you feel ladies and its good to know im not alone in another weird feeling the menopause has given me

    love and comforting hugs to all x

  • Posted

    I get that feeling and more too. So i know how you feel. ATM mine is 24/7 and im not getting any breaks from the head pain, spinning, heaviness, pressure in around my eyes/nose/teeth/jaw. Plus im having terrible constant vision issues. The anxiety is off the charts.

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