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Hi all you beautiful women if any one lives in south Florida would love to talk more ,I'm in perimenapause started 3 months ago and it's been crazy for me started with fatigue, dizzy, pain on right side of ear head neck, teeth and gum pain im going crazy I'm 51 and still have my period, thank you aND God bless you.
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Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Hi jacqueline from florida! I sure wish I was near you, I think my joints would feel a whole lot better!! I'm from Chicago Illinois suburbs.. I do have family in Miami and do know florida can be quite nice .. Unfortunately I'm in Chicago where it's very cold right now.. Too bad could be meeting for some coffee and a good menopause chat.???
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Omg gypsy I from chicago I moved to Florida 16 years ago I lived in elmwood park close to Norridge I still have sisters in chicago, my best friend lives in park ridge ,let me tell you this perimenopause is giving such a hard time I'm looking into bio hormone replacement therapy I started perimenopause about 3 months ago it's crazy.
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Wow jacqueline small world... I would have moved to florida too if I had the opportunity lol Chicago is so cold!!!! burr... I know the menopause is something else, mine hit me almost 2 years ago, I literally woke up with it and couldn't figure out what was happening to me, until I did a lot of research and figured things out.. So many symptoms it's crazy! It sure does change you.. My aunt says it does get better and to just hang on! I think back before it hit me hard 2 years ago (almost) and realize I definitely had a lot more symptoms prior I just didn't put 2 and 2 together.. But anyways I'm at that age and I'm feeling every bit of it.. And can't wait till I feel tons better.. Hope the bios work well for you, I have heard good things about them!!
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Gypsy I just can't stand this I was freaking out about this perimenopause I started getting alote of head aches I especially get one behind my right ear that goes into my ear and neck I just feel awful.
I'm glad I found this forum although sometimes I still freak over thinking.
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
I know what you mean I get the temple headaches too, mine just stopped as of this morning I get them once a month and they last for 3 days.. The symptoms are so crazy, just when you think you can deal with the symptoms an even worse one comes along to scare you even more... I've had every symptom from neurological feelings like my legs won't move right and hands fingers, to anxiety to panic attacks numbness, crying, blurry vision joint pains, night sweats, cold flashes, dizzy vertigo, gas, belching, you name it I've had it, and it's so scary.. I've been to where i can't leave the house to go pick up food to cook at the grocery stores, and had nobody to do it so I would have to go, dizzy legs shaking , sweating feeling like I'm going to pass out because of the anxiety! It's all just so crazy! I was so normal before this all hit me and I feel like I'm not but hope one day to get back to the old me! Like I said my aunt has told me so many reassuring stories that give me hope.. She says I will be ok and I hold onto that hope.. She says we all have to go through this as woman and we do we don't have a choice but we definitely come out the other end stronger and wiser , most definitely changed, but for the better.. That's why it's called the change.. I am a person who definitely does not like change in anything I do, so I'm having a real hard time accepting all this but l just push on day after day until one day I've become the butterfly so to speak.. We all will...
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
That helps me a lot because I had a hysterectomy years ago but still have my ovaries but no periods, so no idea where I'm at in meno, except to journal and follow my reacuring symptoms every month..
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Did you get teeth and gum pain,
Also I have pain on my right side of head ,ear neck feels sore my cheek also hurts on that side is this also a perimenapause symtom
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Well I'm not surprised with any symptom that peri,meno, throws our way.. You could say your big toe hurts and I would say yes meno, lol because hormones control and run everything in the body!! One thing for sure is when you first get a symptom yes that symptom tends to stay with you for a while, I had dizzy pretty bad off balance I felt like I was going to tip over when walking , that stayed with me a long time before leaving me, now it returns every now and again but doesn't stay as long and isn't as bad, if that makes sense, and that seems to be the pattern with all new symptoms. They come they stay they leave and return later not as bad... Weird!!! I guess that's why a lot of women go and get different symptoms checked out and when all cleared by their doctor who almost always says anxiety, here's a pill.. They just chalk it up as perimenopause...these symptoms can be very frightening, but when you see the repeat in your symptoms like clock work every month, you can relax a bit and say to yourself I'm still here I made it thru another month..
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Also the best thing you can do is write down every single day in your journal how you feel... Every single symptom that you are having for that day.. Then month after month when that symptom returns you can go back and read the journal and say to yourself ok, I had this dizzy spell for 2 days on the 21st, last month and got it again on the 21st, of this month.. That way you can see the pattern and know it's just hormones..
jacqueline06286 Gypsy014
Did you also had the pain behind your ear
Str8tfans jacqueline06286
I’m glad we’re here tho, Gypsy I feel bad for you in that cold- I’d be freezing up there, it’s been cold enough for us Floridians down here this year! Lol
Jacqueline I have the same symptoms you do- it’s so hard but gypsy is right about the journal.
I’ve done it before in my phone when I’ve had the, what I call, “weird head feelings”.....sometime mine are not quite a headache, but more just “heavy, tight, thumping, fuzzy like something is buzzing around faintly in there”....tonight and for the last several hours it’s the SUPER “right” feeling.
Not quite a headache but almost.
I ate wayyyyy more sugar today than normal too and since I’ve had peri symptoms I’ve noticed when I eat bad it’s way worse.
Good luck to you!
jacqueline06286 Str8tfans
When did you started your perimenapause
Gypsy014 jacqueline06286
Yes I do get the pain behind my ear also , it's all connected, pain wise ear/temple/back of head.. I even did a post a little while back about the pain in my ear shooting to back of head and down to shoulder.. Weird crazy symptoms we get I tell ya.. I also have hashimotos my antibodies were very high for that, and I also have rheumatoid arthritis antibodies high for that as well.. Never had any of this until crazy meno, started... That was my 1st symptom before putting 2 and 2 together was frozen shoulder I couldn't move it hurt so bad.. Then had bloodwork done and antibodies high for the R.A. I think meno, is all connected to thyroid and R.A, your hormones run your entire body, and when one out of whack everything out of whack.. Stra8fan wish I was in florida right along with you, anywhere has got to be better than Chicago at the moment we've been in such a deep freeze!!! But I heard florida is kind of cold for florida.. Jacqueline hang in there symptoms will come and go, sometimes they will feel unbearable on them days just push on thru. And do some yoga , meditation, and follow a good diet... They will pass..GOOD LUCK!!!