Fluttering heart
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yestersay i was at working carry on a conversation with a customer and all of sudden my heart starting fluttering really fast lasted about 3 seconds or so . freaked me out my heart was beating like a machine gun then went back to normal. ive wriiten so many times. everyday its a new symptom a new feeling 49 and had a lite period in may and nothing in june or yet july. now i think there is something wrong with my heart got to love my health anxiety thank u ladies for helping me with this journey
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staci88515 Pamwhid
I was just at the market when out of nowhere my legs felt shaky, followed by a racing heart, and a flush of sweatiness. It truly sucks when it happens out of the blue. It didn't last long, but it ruins your whole day. I can totally sympathize. I am going to beat peri with the same manta I used for anxiety in my 20's....there's no way around anxiety/peri, only through it. xoxo
thanks for THE RESPONSE. freaked me out and then my anxiety went through the roof
katyD211 Pamwhid
I think you responded as we all do...you notice it, it freaks you out , health anxiety goes through the roof. Then we get that checked out,all is well. You slowly try to not think about it
Then another symptom hits....
Hugs from all of us, get it checked but it sounds like my hot flashes
Thats the way some present right before they hit...bet you have a period soon
Pamwhid katyD211
Now all i think of is when another one is going to happen . so frustrating
pam90720 Pamwhid
hi pam!! yes maam been there done that!! its very common ! spooky, i know!! girl i too have bad health anxiety!!!! hang in there.. your heart muscle is strong!!!take care! hugs friend!!! ❤
Beverlys1 Pamwhid
Hi Pam have had this many times one time so bad it literally sounded like horses running so fast and hard in my chest it is very hard to explain,, have also had flip flopping feeling which is extremely disturbing... but have had pounding many times,, also was thoughly checked out and if it continues you should also just because that is protacal for this heart stuff...I had it so bad i thought i had afib but everything came back normal and many of us this has happened to just watch it for awhile Ive also had it with shortness of breath its scary... alcohol, caffiene,stress, hotflashes can be some of the triggers... hugs to allxxx
TGigi Beverlys1
Omg i am so glad i found this site. I am 48. My OBGYN tested my hormone levels and told me i was in post menopause. I have not had my period for 5 months then today, YAY random bleeding. The past few months i have seen a cardiologist because i started waking up in the middle of the night with severe heart palpitations. After a echocardiogram and other random tests, my heart is fine. NOBODY can explain why i wake up like this. So my OBGYN put me on propanolol which is helping some. I still wake up some nights scared to death i am dying. It only lasts a few seconds then normalizes but it is awful. Other nights i am dealing with hot flashes, covers on, covers off. lol Thank you for this site. I am feeling a little better that i am not alone.
i had a complete heart work up the end of 2016. everything was fine. thank god. Have my physical tomm will discuss with my doctor. that and the ringing on my ears, is the worse. did the ent thing last year he blammed hormones REALLY
Jaynie12 Pamwhid
my heart feels like its doing summersaults all day. its suposedley hormones. my dr did all the test calling it anxiety. its very scary. anything thst happend with heart like that to me isnt normal but i guess its not life threatening its ....yep..HORMONES!! so sick of feeling like this...and yes there will be other symptoms. i havent had my period in 3 years. didnt know anything about menapuae post menapause ..peri..now 5 months ago my whole world fell apart thanx to this. guess i was a late bloomer. and my drs just keep sending me to a shrink and or giving meds that dont work. gabepentin for one. really?? it is for nerve pain and seixures. i have neither. anyway read up on things but try to stay away from dr googlr thatll have u dying of cancer or wose. hange in there
debore Pamwhid
Coffee and chocolate do it to me. Never used to pre-menopause.