Foot issues

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Hi Ladies!

Just when I think things are evening out something new crops up. Lately I've been having weird feet and leg issues. My feet are usually cold bc of my heart meds but they've flip flopped. They feel like they're on fire and non stop pins and needles and some nights it travels up my shins to my knees. It's driving me crazy! Impossible to sleep! I've tried rubbing them, soaking them with Epsom salts, tylenol when they're throbbing too, lotions etc. Nothing works!! It stops if I'm standing or walking.. oh and they swell on occasion for no apparent reason! Anyone else have this?

I see my doc on the 19th but I feel like chopping them off lol

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I've had a pain in my left foot for months. swelling, redness and some heat , pins and needles and like a crawling sensation. not sure if this similar? I've had xray and blood tests . xray was clear but still waiting for bloods. sometime the pain radiates to my knee. I asked the GP if it could be hormonal to which I got a swift reply of no.... but no other explanation as of yet

    • Posted

      I have no idea what's going on. My appt is my regular 6 month check up for my heart and meds. But if he thinks hes walking out of the room before I list all my new "ailments" he better think again, I'll block the door lol! This is driving me crazy and I'm sick of being told hormones have nothing to do with most things.

  • Posted

    YES! I have this issue as well. I didn't get too freaked out about it this time, because this was what peaked my anxiety last year. I recognized it right away. I also went to my doctor and had an examination and blood work done. Everything came back normal. I thought for sure it was diabetes, but it wasn't. My legs also feel sort of heavy and stiff in the morning or after I've been sitting. I asked my doctor if this was caused by perimenopause and she said that most likely wasn't...suggested I do some daily walking 😕

    • Posted

      I walk every night, several times around my neighborhood plus I'm on the go all the time. My family has a history of diabetes so that was my first thought too, I had my neighbor check my sugar about an hour after I ate last night and my sugar was 92, so I wonder what it is if I'm fasting. 92 is kinda low after eating carbs and drinking a soda. All I know is its driving me crazy and the doc is not leaving the room til he hears all my complaints, I see him every 6 months bc of my heart but this appt hes gonna listen!

    • Posted

      Yes by the way my feet hurt I had a blood test done in January thinking it was Diabetes. No diabetes but I'm sure it's hormones-- it has to be..

  • Posted

    i had that too GP said to up minerals, magnesium (which i already took) and zinc (didnt take that ) so i loaded up on zinc 2 tablets 50 mg in total and it all went away 😃 i had burning feet they felt like on fire and pins and needles / tingles

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