For ladies who are suffering with this hell

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I have had a perfectly awful past year....the worst ever in my life. i have been in perimenopause for about 4-6 years now (hard to know for sure), I have been on here begging for advice on what i can do to ease my suffering and i was struck with a major realization today! So ive been SO sick to where i cant eat, so fatigued to where i cant function, so depressed and anxious all i want to do is cry, not to mention all of the other 20 symptoms i have, but this morning i woke up feeling "my old normal". I was able to eat with no knots in my stomach or gagging, i didnt feel depressed in fact i feel very happy at the moment, i went for a long drive in my car with NO anxiety.....i have wondered this whole year if im just plain mental and maybe ive slipped into the pit of of no return, i wondered if i did need antidepressants or vitamins to make this all go away even tho ive tried them in the past but they didnt help. But the truth of the matter is ive not taken any special vitamin, no hormones, no cbd oil, no antidepressants, no fact i havent changed a thing. The realization i had is this IS all hormone related and nothing we do or we take will make things "disappear", this is simply how our bodies react to this terrible time in our lives. The best thing we can do is try to nurture our bodies and minds as we muddle through this terrible battle (i dont think of it as a journey this is plain HELL) we need to realize that we arent crazy and there is no special "pill" that will fix us. Im sure i will have way more bad days ahead if me until im completely through with perimenopause and once menopause is here maybe i will have more good than bad days, but at least i know now that i am NOT broken! Having a day or two here and there of feeling "my old normal" tells me that im still in this body somewhere and once the hormones settle i will find her again and i will be victorious and wiser for it! I hope this helps some of you ladies know that you arent weak no matter how bad you feel and you certainly arent broken, this is just our bodies way of fighting against the inevitable change we are going through! Bless all of you in your battles!

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7 Replies

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    Good for you that you re feeling better. I know what that feels like. Its very weird how these hormones are. I was fine for weeks and out of nowhere Bam! it hits around the time my period would be coming or leaving. I hope you continue feeling better.

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    Praise God Brandy. I have seen you posting for awhile now struggling. It is good to hear some positive news. I hope your hormones have somewhat settled giving you more happy days. Stay strong in the battle. Enjoy every moment. Praying for you and every lady on the forum.

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      Thank you! I still have bad days but just knowing that i am getting good days here and there without me changing anything tells me that im not just "mental" as the drs try to say. I am praying for more better days!

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    Very motivational post mam

    Fully agree with you..this is mid life change and we have to accept it..Some woman suffer more some less...Its part of soon as we accept this we can face these changes easily .

    And you right there is No Magical pill to overcome this phase fast.It will go in its own pace.

    We can do is have lots of water and include good veg in diet.

    Take Rest

    Take more care of yourself

    Take each day slowly.

    Donot harsh in yourself.

    Be kind to your body .

    Every day remind urself..Hang is there .

    Tk mam.

    Thanks for inspiring me ..Lots of Love & Blessings

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      Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I have noticed that once i realized how powerful this change is the symptoms arent as scary to me now...yes they are still intense, horrible and i wish i could be like other women who sail through it but i honestly thought i was going crazy cause all the drs kept telling me that hormones dont affect you mentally or physically like the symptoms i am experiencing...i was so scared! i thought i was crazy, but now i know im NOT! We need better drs who have more compassion for women struggling with this.

  • Posted

    Hi Brandy! Thank you so much for sharing. I feel after reading your post, you have hit acceptance. A lot of us go into this unknowing and it can be frightening because our bodies that were once functional and energized have been what feels like taking a beating.I like you have experienced this from 2016-2018 I went through daily suffering with one symptom or another, then by the end of 2018 and all most of 2019 I felt better, not perfect but I felt I could function way better and I didn't let it get to me. Unfortunately certain symptoms have returned I am not as freaked out as I was before because I have had them and I have had tests to rule things out, but I do miss the time when I didn't have to wonder what was coming next. I used to be able to handle stress better, but now it seems that not much sets me off and the symptoms come back. I think the key is finding something that works for relaxing our minds, and this will relax our bodies. I am doing a lot of this and I can feel my body turn to jello when I get to that state.Keep up with the positive mind set this is what will get us all through this.

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      I totally agree with everything you just said including the acceptance. Its so hard to have to accept that you are going to be sick for the remainder of your life, like you i have some days where i dont feel too bad and i used to be terrified waiting for the other shoe to drop and yes it normally does, my symptoms return for so many days in a row but then i will have an "ok" day. So ive learned to adapt and just really try to enjoy my "better" days while i can. That is the only way i can keep my sanity! 😃

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